Thursday, December 2, 2010

happy birthday to me

Not a bad way to turn 31, save for i'm missing one important person. Mike bought me a beautiful card, and an ice cream cake, and my parents took Nate and I out to dinner. Mike had to work, so my dad actually sprung to buy him an extra meal, and i took it to him. Michelle came and got Nate, and when Mike got home from work, we hit the bar. The homeplate, which is one of 2 places i'll go. We walked in, and mike announced to all (there were like, 6 people in there; LoL) that it was my birthday. Everyone bought me a shot, all with highly odd names. Screaming orgasm, slippery nipple, sex on the beach...

Came home and crawled into the new bed my mom bought... so comfortable. It will be a switch to not sleep on the floor!! =) =)

It was fun, but a far cry from last year, where my bestfriend was the only one i let buy me a drink. And i got WASTED and it was ll on video. which i watch when i want to remember why i dont drink. It was a good birthday, but... it was missing that one person.

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