Friday, December 24, 2010

Kidnapped? LoL

Merry Christmas! Last night i will never forget, and it makes me laugh. But anybody else would be smart. So... we have Brandy for winter break, but that didnt stop mike from goingb to the bar. After he left, Brandy came in and asked what to do if he comes home drunk. (She remembers last summer) i told her to grab her stuff, and throw it in a backpack, but dont make anything look to obvious. i put a spare blanket and pillow in my car, and then we played on the computer, and watched movies. About 1:30, mike came home, and he was MAD. BJ came running into the room, scared. I told her just sit on the bed, pretend to be asleep or watch a movie. DONT TALK unless he aske you a question. just stay as quiet as you can, because you dont know what will set him off. He came in, bitching about women, in general, and either saw the tree or tripped over it, i cant tell from my bedroom. but whatever it was, it set him off. He went to his dresser where he keeps his half dollars from the casino that he doesn't think i know about. He opened the bedroom door, and yelled "F*** you!" to us, then left. We heard him shift gears halfway up the road, he was going so fast they grinded. (ground?)

I told brandy to hurry, so we grabbed our backpacks and ran to my car. Poor girl was crying, asking if he was always like this (yes) and would he really hurt us? (yes) i drove up to my mom's house, thinking my dad and brother could kick some ass. My dad has a gun that he'd like to show Mike, i'm sure. We got up there, i had BJ play on my laptop (I always bring it when he's this drunk) and i hid my car under some trees. About an hour later, we heard the bass of the truck, and he drove right up to the house. He checked the cars, because grandma's and mine look the same, and then he saw mine under the trees amd knew i was there. I had all the lights off, so we could see him walking around the front yard. BJ started crying again, asking if she had to go with him. HELL NO. I sat her back on the couch, and opened the door before he could bang on it. I kept the screen door closed betwen us, and he was screaming about how i kidnapped her, and he wants his F'ing daughter back! F me, F her, he'll burn down the house,  he'll call the police! I was trying so hard not to laugh. "Okay- call the police! I'll even tell them why she's here, and you see if they send her home with you. You're drunk- go home, we'll see you tomorrow." He was screaming weird obsenities, but he got in his truck and left. Then he started texting us- telling me he would be back with the police, and telling BJ her mom was a bitch and she would never be allowed to come back. We turned our phones off and went to bed. When we got up this morning, i warned her that the house would be a MESS, but he actually had cleaned up. It was vaccumed and everything. And when we came into the bedroom, he smiled and asked if we were off Christmas shopping. HE DIDNT REMEMBER A THING!

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