Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stand up for myself?? Yeah. Right.

i never thought in my wildest dreams that it would come to this. I figured, i've run, i've been paralized in fear, i sleep fully clothed, keys and wallet hidden, medication and cell phone in pocket. Anything i need to get out of the house NOW is within arms reach, or just a trip to the bathroom. Yesterday i cut myself, to deal with some pain i was in, and tonight Mike went out drinking. One should have nothing to do with the other, but... He came home screaming, and throwing things around. He hates going to the bar alone, he resents the fact that i get money without working, he hates my family, etc. Then he ripped off the bandage and started screaming about that. So... I stood up for myself. I sat up, and told him that my family , my money and my arm are not his business. He grabbed his freaking SWORD and tried to stab me. Seriously.  I laid down just in time for him to miss me and hit the wall. There is a cut mark in the wall, right where my head would be. In the second it took him to put the sword from the wall, i rolled off the bed and was trying to hit the bathroom. He grabbed me by the hood of my hoodie, and pulled me back onto the bed. I grabbed the blanket, rolled it around me and he just started hitting. He grabbed anything in reach, and it became a projectile. It seems standing up for myself made it worse.

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