Sunday, December 19, 2010


I had to call. I hated to, but i had to. And you know what? I NEVER WILL AGAIN. Auburn cops are doing whats called a house watch for me. It's basically the same as when you go on vacation and ask the police to watch your house, but this time they are checking on ME, not the house. If i do not answer the phone, they will knock on the door. If i dont answer, Mike will be arrested for "suspicious circumstances". Hows that for justice? But... what caused this? I woke up this morning and saw the distruction he had caused, including the stab-mark in my wall. I needed something on record, in case... in case of the worst case scenario. The police showed up, and seperated us to get our stories. They took pictures of the damage, did a report, but cant press charges at this time. Mike, smelling of alcohol, told his police officer that i had mental disabilities, and blew things out of proportion. (Fuck him) I told my police officer that i was only in fear for my life when Mike was drinking. This is true! When he's not drinking, he's a nice guy! They gave me a 1-800# for domestic violence, and set up the house watch. I feel a little more protected... A little.

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