Thursday, December 23, 2010


We have Brandy! Not the liquor, the girl! Mike's youngest, and she is scaring the hell out of me with some of the things she is doing in her mom's custody. She will not be alone with her father because of what happened last summer, so this puts a damper on things i can do, and places i can go. I love her, but she IS only 14 and i cant blame her for being scared. Especially after last night. Nathan is at his grandma's visiting Michelle, which he always does when BJ comes over. So her and i are playing on the computer, mike is in the living room practicing karaoke. And drinking. About 10PM he came in, got dressed and left- no good-bye to BJ or myself. Oh well, we just kept playing around, until 2AM when Mike came home, drunk and yelling. Something about buying a girl drinks and calling her beautiful but getting no where. Um, you can't convert a lesbian, idiot. But he came in and was tickling Brandy, until it started to hurt her. She said Stop- which is a trigger word for "Mean Mike". He pushed her away, and went to the kitchen to pour himself a drink. During the tickling, his keys, wallet and phone had fallen out of his pocket. I asked her to hand me the keys, i didnt want him driving anymore than he had to- it's Christmas time, cops are out in full, and it's MY car he's driving. Legally, anyway. I figured he would watch a movie, pass out on the couch and wake up tomorrow. I was so freaking wrong. He drank half a pint of rum in the house before he went out, and the other half in ONE FREAKING SWALLOW. Then he went looking for his keys. The only place he would go at this time of night would be the casino. And if he loses, we're all screwed. While he was throwing the living room to pieces, screaming obscenities, i told brandy to slip her shoes on, quietly. I put mike's keys on the dresser, and asked him what he was looking for. He came in the room yelling until he saw the keys. He grabbed them and took off. I watched out the window, and as soon as he was out of sight, BJ and i grabbed pillows, blankets, my computer and our phones, and WE left. The only place i could think to go was my mom's. I have an emergency key, and my dad has a new gun. I didn't want it to come to that, but if it had to, it had to. I tried to hide my car in the trees,  and we settled down in the family room. Brandy was in tears, and i wanted to cry too. Why does he do this to his own baby girl? I'm an adult; she's just a child! From the family room, we set up blankets and waited. I knew as soon as Mike saw we were gone, he would come to my mothers. Sure enough, about half hour later, we saw headlights. It was completly dark in the family room, we watched as he gunned his engine into the yard and ran to my grandma's car. (Our cars are identical; until you look inside) Then he saw MY car, so much for hiding it. I was afraid he would do something to it, but he turned around and headed for the house. Just as he was up on the porch, i opened the door so he wouldn't kick it down. He starts yelling "Where's my kid?" "You kidnapped my kid, bitch!" "I'll call the police!" I called his bluff. Okay- you call the police, i'll even give you the address, buddy. Cause i'm pretty sure the cops wont make BJ go with you drunk, and by-the-way, you're tresspassing. And my dad has a registered, loaded gun. So, go ahead call the police. He turned around and left. We just woke up and i have 4 messages on my cellphone calling me a kidnapping bitch. i plan on keeping these...

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