Friday, November 19, 2010

Airports and windstorms!!

The wind has been blowing all day, but today was crazy! I think i know why... Tinman left. And it set all the universe out of balance. Okay, that was a bit dramatic, but thats how i feel, so screw you. He found a flight, i drove him to the airport. It should have been so simple, i'll be down there in just a few weeks for Christmas. But it still hurt!!  I couldn't even watch him go thru the baggage claim, i grabbed his extra bags and left, fighting tears. Extra bags? Yeah- he had over packed and couldn't take all his stuff, so they gave us a plastic bag and i'll bring that stuff down to him in December. Now, i'm pretty sure Sea-Tac airport has seen it's fair share of tears, but i could have stopped the plane with mine. "'Scuze me, this is your captain speaking... seems we have a tidal wave of salty water headed our way, we wont be going anywhere for awhile."  Yeah? No.

But he got home safe, and sent me a picture of him with his mama. He says his ex teased him about bein a "mama's boy". WTF is wrong with that? The pic he sent me shows in his eyes how happy he was. Which helped take away the hurt, a little. I just keep thinking Christmas...Christmas...Christmas...

Found out yesterday that Nate is afraid of the dark. No, not the dark, but sounds that come out in the dark. We were watching a movie, and the wind was BLOWING. Has been for a few days, but this was awesome! All of a sudden, the lights went out. We scouted around for candles and lighters and what-not. Mike walked in about 15 mins later, in time to grab the tarp covering our porch. It was making some whistling noise, which is what prompted Nate to start freaking. Mike tied it down, and we ate dinner that had just barely finished cooking. All in all, a day i'll never forget. Especially since i'm typing thisi n my car, plugged into the cigareete lighter, watching trees swing!!!

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