Sunday, July 26, 2009

I played Katy Perry

That is, i kissed a girl. But didnt exactly like it. And my boyfriend didn't mind it. I met Steve outside his work today, and he came out with Val. He brought her to my work to meet me, and she (in his words) was sprung. K, whatever. I honestly didn't think anything of it. So they walked out of work today, and she stood there. He was searching for my car, i was trying to put on make up, fast as i can. he came over and kissed me, she made a face and he said "you'll get yours, be patient." She came over and hugged me and called me beautiful. Then Steve told her we should all go, and she said "Normal spot?" Which was kind of my fist clue that 1) Something was about to happen and 2) Something between these 2 ALREADY HAD. So i took my anxiety pill. i follwed steve to his car and val followed in hers. we pulled up to a secluded spot, where she slipped off her skirt, and... the rest will be left to your imagination. Suffice to say, she had fun, he had fun, and i am blacking it out of my memory. Night!

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