Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My visit with matt (And the ensuing drama)

I haven't seen Matt since the night i picked him up from the airport. Even then we didn't really get to visit, since Mike was with me. Why was Mike with me? I have a tendency to buy friendship and right now we cannot afford this. So mike came with to make sure i didn't spend ANY money. Which i ended up doing anyway. =P Oops. So i went to Matt's, to relax about stressing all day over mike being at the casino or Sheila's. I visited more with his roommate, as Matt was playing a game with his other roommate. i've seen him play this game; its pretty cool. I cant recall the name of it right now, damn it. But i was there for a few hours, and i had fun. I called mike at 10:30 and he didn't answer. I assumed he was at the bar. I called again before i left at 11, still no answer. Hmm.... definetly at the bar. I drove by the Performance. No Car. I asked Kris if he had been there... Nope. I drove by the Casino; still no car. I called him again. If he didn't answer this time i was packing my shit. Lucky him, he answered. And sounded asleep. Oops. I got home minutes later, and he had been asleep for a while. I got into the long t-shirt that i sleep in, and crawled in bed. My leg hit something, so i reached down to get it. It was a matchbook. WITH A PHONE NUMBER. Seriously, how clich'e can you get? I got up, to use the bathroom, blocked my number and called the number. Some girl answered and i asked if she knew Mike. She hung up on me. 909 area code showed up as California, but that could be a cellphone so location means nothing. When he went to the bathroom, i grabbed his phone, and went thru his call log. (it was at that point i became the girlfriend i hate. The sneaky, suspicious type.) But sure enough, there was the number. Called Friday night at 11:43 PM and again half hour later. He called this girl while i was next to him at the bar?! And i was so messed up i cant remember. I was so hurt and so pissed, when he came back from the bathroom, i was sitting on the end of the bed, shaking. He came over to hug me and find out what was wrong, and i pushed him away. I damn near slapped him. I asked him why. why why why. Thats all i could say. He thought i had cheated on HIM, with Matt! (Insanely jealous, but with good reason. When Mike and i first got together, I told him Matt was closer to me than family and he has priority in my life. He has since learned why.) I threw the matchbook at him, and he was even more confused. I told him he was clich'e and to leave the matchbook in his bed after talking to a woman was just pathetic. He's looking at me like ive lost my mind. So i grabbed his phone and showed him the number. He asked why i was in his phone. I yelled it was MY phone, I bought it, I pay the bill, and he can bite me. A slap to the cheek shut me up. He accused me of writing the number because i was leaving him for Matt and needed an excuse. I showed him the timestamp on the phone calls, and he started laughing. Almost until he was crying, he was laughing so hard. He asked me to double check the date, and i told him- i already knew it was the night of Sheila's party. Then it hit me... He wasn't at the Casino...he was with HER!!! I jumped up and started throwing my clothes into boxes. He tried to stop me, but he was laughing, which infuriated me. He grabbed me in a bear-hug type thing and threw me on the bed. He told me not to move, and something in his voice told me i better listen. He was no longer laughing. He left the room and came back with Nathan's cellphone bill. He asked me what i remeber about the night of the party. i told him that around the timestamp, i was pretty well drunk. I asked why he left me, blackedout, to go see some girl that hurt him so bad. I thought the idea of the party was to show her she was trash. All the while, he's going thru Nathan's 12 page phone bill. (Damn kid ran up 600$ in ONE MONTH.) He told me he had left his phone with Nathan that night. Yeah, right. I told him i called the number and asked the girl if she knew Mike; she hung up on me. So he showed me where Nate had called this girl NUMEROUS times, when Mike didn't have the phone. I have never felt like more of an idiot. I'm going to bed; tomorrow will be a LOOONG day.

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