Thursday, July 16, 2009

2 verbal bitch slaps

Okay- my job is usually fun. I spent the night before sleeping in my car, which was fun but oddly uncomfortable. So i was probably not in the best of moods. Besides that, one of my co-workers is a 65 year old Bosnian woman that hates me. And makes no attempt to hide it. Strike 2. But one of my favorite managers was on duty, my daily project was to fold t-shirts, i didn't have to sign anything, so i was doing okay. Until 11AM... We are short handed everyday but Friday, so some items stay in our stockroom. If a customer comes up and asks for a particular item, we can cal for a stock check and somebody will get that item. Everybody wins. This customer came up to buy her items, including mushrooms, oranges and chicken broth. I remember because these are the 3 items on sale, and they also happened to be OUT OF STOCK. I had been giving out rainchecks all morning, while we were waiting for a small delivery. This lasy had gotten the wrong broth, the computer would not accept the coupon. I cannot manually force it too. I explained that i can give her a raincheck for all 3 items, and she can come at her convenience and get them at the sale price. Our deliveries come in on Fridays, and we will have a fresh delivery. "You get your items on Friday and sold out by Wednesday. Why do i even bother to come here?" (I bit my tongue.) She mumbled more under her breath, but i finished ringing up her purchases and writing her rainchecks. My polocy is to ring up all coupons at the END of the transaction, most customers like to see how much they've saved. My regulars like this. This lasy, however, was not amused. When the coupon didn't work with the broth, i explained we are out of that particular brand, can give ANOTHER raincheck. Or i can ask a manager if she can have the butterball broth she brought up, for the Swansans brand on sale. "Well, go get my soup!" I explained we were out, but my manager was coming to override and give her the sale price. I had a line forming at this point so i grabbed the intercom and paged for a 2nd cashier. The only available one was Kras, the Bolivian woman. My customer continued grumbling, but she knew she was getting a hell of a deal, so we finished her transaction. My manager came up, worked her manager magic, and customer finished paying. Then she did the one thing i hate most. I have a line of about 5 people, no 2nd cashier, and she stands right there w/o moving and analyzes her reciept. I reached over the counter and put her bag on the floor to make room for my next customer. I helped my line, and angry lady was still there. I'll be damned if she didn't find an actual mistake. The coupon for one of her items hadn't rung up. Hydrogen peroxide is 1.00$, on sale for .99$. Yes, i had forgotten to save her a penny. And she wanted it. NOW. Because the purchase was complete, i could not give her a refund, only a manager can do that. I explained if she would wait in aisle 1, i would have a manager over there immidiatly to help her. I grabbed my intercome, and something in my voice told my manager to GTF out here. AGAIN. Angry lady stood there and waited, telling my customers to watch their reciepts, and count their change because im probably stealing money. I started to see red. Debbie came and escorted her to the return counter, and i went back to folding t-shirts. Few minutes later, Debbie came over. She looked so serious, i was nervous. She said that she didn't want to, but because it was a legitimate mistake, Walgreens policy is to give her a 25$ giftcard. And loss-prevention will want to know why, so consider this my official verbal warning. At this moment i can see the old bat of a customer walking over to us. Debbie keeps talking, and i was getting mad. A PENNY. My clean record smudged because ONE CENT. The customer came over and said " Young lady, you are incompitant and if it were up to me, You would be fired." I took a deep breath, and said "Ma'am, if it was up to ME, you wouldn't be allowed in my store." and walked away. I walked into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. When i came out, Kras sent me to lunch. I had nowhere else to go so went to see Mike. maybe he'll make me feel better... He didn't even get off his chair. i played online for awhile, then went back. Mike texted me to come back after work, and we'll talk. When i got back, my manager was waiting by the timeclock- she told me the "official warning" wasn't official, but to appease the customer, she wanted it to look real. makes sense but i was still angry.

I finished out my day, no troubles. Day went pretty fast actually. I was getting nervous about talking to mike; we've been having issues for a few weeks now. When i got off at 4:30, i texted him- maybe we can meet somewhere so we have some privacy. This is our number one issue right now. No communication, no privacy. He was at work, but go ahead and cook for the kids. HUH?! Your daughter is 18... and cant bake french fries?? I went to the house, and set up my computer. If nothing else, i can play until he gets home. Brandy, the 13 yr old, came over and asked what time we were having dinner. I cannot say no to her, she is so much like i was at that age. Shy and soft spoken. I told her i would get right on it. She told me that her dad said if they ask, i will just buy McDonalds. i was PISSED. A few days ago, he got drunk and started telling me the things he loves about me. i swear this is the list, before he realized what he said: " Rich, beautiful eyes, nice smile..." thats where he caught his mistake.

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