Friday, July 3, 2009

A day for Do overs.

Please? I woke up and realized it was my dad's birthday. and i dont have a gift, and due to some serious drama in that house, im not visiting for awhile. Since i haven't bled regularly my whole life, and Mike and i decided to try for children, my dr. put me on hormones. And they are kicking my ass. I alternate between running a fever and being so cold i shake uncontrollably. the temp is in the 80's and im wearing a sweater for goodness sake. Mike took me to the river, and, being me, i jumped in. And lost my footing and went down. I stood up, laughing but Mike was pissed, so i climbed out and we started walking around so i could dry off. We walked, i listened as he bitched about Lena. This has become a regular thing. Then we came home. For once, the river didn't relax me. We took a nap, me bundled up in my camal hair blanket like im in South Dakota in the winter, him looking at me like ive lost my mind. When we woke up, i told him i wanted to walk to work; maybe the walk will do me good. Tripped over the dog and fell down 3 steps. Limped to work and was 10 minutes late. My stomach hurt so much i was doubled over, but i figured i could do this. I cannot go home sick on the first day we have (yet another) new manager. Half hour later, this manager left, and Michelle walked in. Michelle hates me and has made no secret of it. I'm all about customer service, she's about bottome line. My stomach lurched and i grabbed the garbage can; just in case. I was NOT up to this. I had a customer come in and pay in a 100 dollar bill, which cleaned out my till. I called Michelle for more money and she came up and told me i was not to accept 100 dollar bills if i couldn't cover change. (Well, DUH. But how do i know if i have change? Its not like i can just open my register.) I started to sway and she walked away. My friend Troy came over to ask what Michelle said and he told me i look like hell. The guy that keeps flirting with me, and giving me his number, came in, and told me i was pale but still beautiful. I reached for his cigarettes, and bending over hurt so bad, i dropped to my knees. He called to cosmetics for help, as i threw up in the garbage can. All i had in my stomach was water, but it just kept coming. This guy (Michael; of all names) left w/o cigarettes. LoL Lisa came over and i told her i had to go home. She said i look pale and yellow, which scared me. I called Michelle and asked her to called register 1 ASAP. I told Troy i was going home, and asked Lisa to please cover my till. I walked back to the office, told Michelle what was going on , and i left. Since i walked TO work, i had to walk home, too. Its only 7 tenths of a mile, but it took me almost 30 minutes. As i was crawling up the stairs, it dawned on me. Mike was at work and i didn't have my keys. I grabbed my cellphone and called my brother. (And wished my dad a happy birthday.) Shawn agreed to come get me, and got a pain pill from my mom. He showed up with his bitch who told me i look like hell. Oh, goody. They dropped me off at Mike's work, and he was shocked to see me. He was busy so i quickly explained what was going on, and got his keys. I started to feel better, so i figured i would make dinner. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out an empty bottle of cranberry juice and a soaking wet phone. Oh, shit. I took the SIM card, battery and memory chip out and set them to dry. I went in, bought stuff for dinner and went back to the car. Got home, put my phone componants in front of the fan to dry and made taco's. After an hour or so, i put my phone back together and turned it on. It made the 'ding' sound as usual, but the screen was blank. Then i smelled something burning and heard a crackling sound coming from the phone. I popped the battery back out and put it back in front of the fan. We dont have a house phone, so i didnt know what to do. At 10PM my phone was STILL black, but i couldn't clearly hear who was texting me. Everybody has a distinct sound. I went to go get Mike, and as soon as i saw him, i burst into tears. Seriously, not a good day. He joked me into a good mood, and we came home. Now, im going to take some advil and fall asleep.

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