Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year???

Damn it. Screw it. Fuck it. Eventually i WILL learn. The bar means more than your kids, your bills, and me. And you proved it, asshole. Mike started drinking about noon, so by 8pm he was soused. He wanted us all to watch movies together, but Brandy was playing on my computer, and Nathan was pissed because Mike wouldn't let him stay @ his grandma's. I went out and we started watching movies, for about 15 minutes. He kept calling the kids, but they were doing there own thing. So he got dressed in his leathers and LEFT. I figured he would at least come home before midnight, right? To celebrate with us, his family? I must have been dreaming. We dont have cable, so i didnt get to watch any ball drop, but Mike stomped upstairs about 12:15, hugged and kissed BJ who was glued to myside.I turned away, he stunk of alcohol so bad. He walked in the kitchen and called his ex fuck-buddy Arlene. I really wish he would just GO there, stay with her, let me get my shit paid off and move.

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