Saturday, January 1, 2011

Careful what i wished for!

I wish Mike would just give up and go. Seriously. No redeeming value to me whatsoever. We were both absolutly shocked that DSHS paid him cash this month- of course i knew it wasn't going toward rent. We took Brandy home. She came in my room crying; did NOT want to go alone. over 2 hours alone in car with her dad... i couldn't do it to her. When we told Mike, he was not happy, and he informed me of his plans. He had packed his stuff in with Brandy's and was planning on moving in with a friends over there. Taking MY car (even though i dont drive it, i'm still paying the fucking thing off) and staying over there. With me going, i could drive the honda back, he'd have to take his truck or put it up for sale or something. He had all of 15 minutes to decide. LoL Looking back, it really didn't matter...

We got in the car, and left. Brandy and i each had our MP3 players, so i can imagine it was a quiet ride. We dropped BJ off, and headed further onto the res. I assumed mike would stay with a roofing buddy or an old coke dealer. Nope. He pulled up in front of this beautifully kept house (It stood out in this city) with motorcycles in the front yard. When i saw the motorcycles, it clicked. This was ARLENE'S house!! This lady he had a crush on his whole life! The lasy he was sexting when we first got together! Oh, this was gonna be fun... Now, her husband (I know, right?) is named Mike as well, so this could get a bit confusing. Western WA Mike went to the door, and Eastern WA mike answered. WWMike asked for Arlene, EWMike stepped outside. I was in the car, and couldn't hear, but it didn't look like WWMike had a chance to talk to Arlene. EWMike blocked the door,and they started talking. WWMike made a phone call, and Arlene stepped out on the porch. He may be an idiot, but he had actually CALLED her from her porch. LoL She opened the door all the way and 6 little kids ran out. She shook her head no, and EWMike went inside. Arlena and WWMike talked for a moment, EWMike cam out and handed him some pieces of paper. He turned around and came back to the car. The look on his face was so sad, i almost felf bad for him. He got in the car and we came home in absolute silence. At at high speed, we made it back here at record speed. 90 minutes! This is a 2.5 hour trip at best! When we got home i peeked at whatever papers EWMike had handed WWMike... they were shelters. Whtever story he told them, they had no room in the inn. But they wanted to help. I didnt laugh at him then, but i will now. Except IM still stuck with him. Hmmm....

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