Tuesday, June 30, 2009

tonights the party!

June 26th

Okay, ive been stressing about going to Mike's ex;s birthday party. He has given me 2 really good reasons as to why i have to be there.

1) He wants to stay friends with her brother because this guy owns his own business and could be a job source in the future. (This sounds like something i would use if i wanted to keep tabs on my ex, truthfully.)

2) She hurt him SO bad, he wants her to see what he has now, and that his heart is no longer broken. I'm 17 years youunger, have my own car, my own job, and i am self-sufficiant. I was pretty mad about this reason, but he finally bropke down and told me what she did, and then i couldn't WAIT to rub our relationship in her face. And her sister and her mom. What did she do? Read on.

Mike met her in a bar (surprise, i know.) He offered to buy her a drink, and she accepted. After a few, they went back to her house, where she was living with some guy. Mike was suspicious, cause his ex before (AKA baby's mama) had cheated on him. Repeatedly. More on that, later, i promise. But they did there thing, and Mike left. He was living with his mom at that point. Now i must backtrack a bit... In 2004 Mike had a fight with Lena, his baby's mama. They were together for 19 years, have 3 children together and for 12 of those 19 years they were addicted to crack and cocaine. As a result, they lost their children to CPS and had to go thru rehab. Lena is 100% Yakima Indian, and therefore not subject to US laws. (Im not sure how that works, but i think its BS) Since Mike is only 25% native, he did have to go. And he went. And Lena stayed home and had a different guy every night of the week. When Mike got out, and CPS had given the children back, she would have the guys come over, WITH mike there, under the guise of buying/selling drugs. She would give Mike the money, and he would go buy. When he came back, she would be gone. Off making the money she had just handed Mike. Mike got sick of this, and told her he was leaving. She got pissed and attacked him with a knife. (AGAIN!) This time he put his hand up to defend himself and she chopped his hand in half. His pinkie on his left hand is useless, the nerves are dead and the finger will not straighten out. But when he called 911, tribal showed up and she pointed at Mike. She didn't have a scratch on her, and his severed hand is literally hanging by a thread. So they arrested HIM. (Yeah, WTF.) They took him to the hospital and fixed him up, then he spent the next 4 months in jail. While in jail, his mom convinced Lena to let the kids visit her in Auburn for the summer. And Lena allowed it. The day they got over here, Mike's mom filed for custody. The judge granted temp custody to her, pending an investigation. Mike, meanwhile, is in Yakima county jail, and one of his fellow inmates is aguy named Sean. Sean is overflow from Auburn, in for repeated DUI. His girlfriend had cheated on him, he got drunk and drove his car into a lamppost, which he then tried to beat the shit out of. Yes, he was arrested trying to beat up a lampost. So they were talking, and Mike was telling Sean about going to live with his mom in auburn. They became friends, as bizarre as a jail friendship can be. Mike got out, came to Auburn, and spent some time with his children. After a few weeks of 3 children and a full grown man sleeping in 1 small bedroom, the girls wanted to go home. It just about killed mike, but he sent them back to their mom in Yakima. He and Nathan stayed with his mom in auburn. Okay, up to speed?
Now fast forward back to Sheila, thee recent ex. She's living with this guy, but "Nothing is happening." Uh huh, sure. They went out everynight, to the Performance Bar and Grill. (Sound familiar?) One day, Sheila brought her mom and sister out with her. Sean, meanwhile, had gotton out of jail and started on his house arrest. His on again/off again girlfriend was living with him, doing drugs and drinking. They fought nightly, and eventually broke up. And to celebrate his freedom, Sean went to the Performance. (What is it with this place??) And he met Mike, there with Sheila, her sister Debbie and their mom. At closing, Sean invited everybody back to his place, and the sisters accepted. Debbie moved in the next day. Mike, still living with his mom, alternated his time between looking for a job, singing at the Performance, and visiting Sheila. 6 months and an 18 THOUSAND dollar inheritance later, and many many suspicious encounters with Sheila and her "roommate" it was Sheila's birthday. (Exactly one year ago, today.) They started off at Charlies in Kent, where they were regulars. So everybody bought Sheila a drink. And, she gave every guy a lapdance. When she got to Mike's friend Chris, she dropped her pants and was all over him. And was asked to leave. They went to the Performance, where her performance continued. A few people bought her drinks, and got the lapdance. At some point, she took her shirt off and Mike tried to get to to calm down. The result? Sheila said her boyfriend was a better f*** then Mike, and she had been with him for 3 years. You may have guessed this was the roommate. She then dumped a drink over his head. The head bartender excorted her to the door, and she was 86'ed. (Code for permenantly kicked out.) Mike apologized and set off walking to get his truck, by Game Farm Park, since Sheila had driven off in the car Mike bought her. By the time he got back to his mom's house, he had enough. He packed her letters and things and dropped them off at her mother's, where he ran into Sean and Debbie. Sean was dropping her and her stuff off, and invited Mike to move in. Mike accepted and he and Nathan, his 14 year old son, moved in that hour. There are many things that Sheila did to Mike, Debbie did to Sean, and their mom tried to do with them BOTH. (ew) So the guys were better off w/o these gals.

Fast forward to today. NOW you can see why i'm excited to go show her what she lost. She thinks she broke his heart, and i'm planning on doing some very UN-MISSY type things... I'll let you all know how it goes.

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