Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bar talk

i know, in a bar you say things that yo dont talk about otherwise. Like your sex life, good, bad, or lack thereof. Well, mike is a regular at the Performance in auburn, and last night i walked in on him talking about us. Or rather, what he likes to do. Now, again, in a bar you dont see these people on the outside so it rarely matters. But tonight, as he was done singing "Back door man" by The Doors, and telling everyone his girl likes it that way (NOT TRUE!!!!) i walked in on him talking to MY BOSS. Well, my asst manager anyway. But still!! She's one of like 6 managers at my work, and ive seen her at the bar a few times. Never said hi, because its akward. And now i'll hide at work, cuz she now knows what my boy does in the privacy of our bedroom. *Sigh*

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