Friday, June 19, 2009

My day off

Its 3AM. I cant sleep. Again. Today was my day off, and i was supposed to hang out with Matt this morning. I set my alarm to wake up at 7AM cuz i had an 8AM Dr. appt. And i woke up at 1:50. I was pissed. Nate opened the door so the dog jumped on the bed, and that was it; i was up. Matt called about 20 mins later, and i think i pissed him off cuz i was half asleep. He said he had to leave to get his kids and was going camping for the weekend. Dammit, i missed hanging out with him again. I miss him.

Anyway, i went up to my moms to do laundry, and seconds after i put my uniform in the washing machine, my boss called. He needed someone to cover photo for a few hours, so i went in. I got off at 10:15 and since i have to be at work at 8, i had to go get my uniform. I just got lucky Ben let me wear jeans and my hoodie. I grabbed my clothes, visited for a bit and headed home. I got home to find nate and his friend sitting on out bed watching a movie. So i took the
dog for a walk, and Sean came home. Crawled out of a cab, already drunk off his ass (Im SOOO happy unemployment is paying him to be an alcoholic) hugged me and thanked me for taking care of his dog while he stayed with friends. (If i made 450 dollars a week, i'd have mucho friends too!!!) He took the dog in and i sat on the steps.

Mike should be home any minute... 15 minutes later he called to tell me he was at the Performance for ONE song and would be home. I hung up on him. I went upstairs and told Nate and friend that they had to leave after this movie, so i could sleep. They gave me attitude, which Nate never has... Im not liking his friend.

An hour later Mike texts me "Im n lov w the best girl n da world". I should be falling in love but i was PISSED. He lied. ONE song doesn't take an hour. And the way he was texting... he was drunk. AND we had switched cars for the day because i assumed he wouldn't drive MY car drunk, out of respect. I have to wake up at 7:30 and its 1AM at this point. i cant get these boys to quit asking for pot or alcohol, i cant sleep in mike's car (I need a tetinus just to drive the thing) I want MY car. So i go to trade. I'll sleep in my car; its comfortable. I told Nate i was going to get my car and he and his buddy jumped up to go. I told them i may be the bar for awhile ( I was planning to stay at Walgreens and sleep) but they came anyway. We circled the Performance parking lot, looking for my car. Which was NOT there. I found my car parked sideways and backed into the bushes at the Casino. My beautiful car...

Anyway, i got out of the car to go get my keys and Patrick, Nates friend got out and started in with me! Idiot pulled his pants down a bit, and walked with a swagger, trying to look 21. You're 15, deal with it. i told him to go sit in the car and i walked in. And was carded! LoL I walked to the bar, where i knew Mike was, and put his keys on the bar and grabbed my keys. I told him i'll see you at home and walked out. I got all the way to the car and Mike caught up to me. And when he saw Nate and Patrick he flipped. And being mad and drunk... he went off on Nate. And Nate, trying to show off in front of his friend, went off on Mike. I touched Mikes shoulder to get him to calm down and he turned to me and yelled this is between him and his boy, stay out of it! This is true, but i needed him to calm down. So i started the car. He threw his cellphone at me and slammed the door, then went back inside. I followed, like a freakin puppy. I pulled him into a corner between the resturant and the bar, and asked him, BEGGED HIM to come home.

He started yelling that he's gonna send Nate to live with his mom, and he and i will get married. We'll make it together, and if that bitch (Lena; Nate's mom) thinks she can steal his kids, he'll
hire a hitman to kick some ass. Yelling this at the top of his lungs... I start to cry. In public. Thats how bad this is. Mike turns around and storms out and i went in the bathroom to calm down. I Assumed he was taking the boys home so i took my time. About 5 minutes later, i went outside and my CAR ALARM WAS BLARING. Security was around my car, trying to figure out why i had 2 teenagers in my backseat and the alarm was going off. I forgot my keyless door entry
tag was attached to Mike's keyring cuz i had locked my keys in my car a few days ago. I thanked the security guard, did not even look at Mike and we left. I still had Nate and Patrick in my car.

We got home and i crawled in bed; clothes on. Mike told the boys to turn up the radio so they dont hear anything... I caught there eyes and shook my head. Mike came in and laid down, tried to cuddle up and i rolled my back to him. He fell asleep and i started writing. I have to be at work in 3 hours... i'll pull an all nighter.

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