Saturday, June 13, 2009

My job

I love my job. I even like my co-workers. My boss on the otherhand... No wait, not all of them, just one. We had the coolest asst manager, but Walgreens polocy is to switch managers every 6 months so the employees dont get attached. Because friends with managers means access to secrets, and can lead to conspiracy. (Seriously!) In our employee handbook, we are FORBIDDEN to drive an employee home... it's considered theft. K, so we have a(NOTHER) new asst manager... Her middle name is bottom line. Maybe not, but that'd be pretty freakin cool. Anyway... tonight my friend needed a ride home from the airport so i told her i need to leave by 10:30. She said i can go when everything is done. So i went above her head... told my EXA (I have no idea what that stands for, its just another manager) and he tells me my hours are over and i need to leave at 10. Even better! (Go Ben!) Few minutes later, Michelle comes and tells me that i have to have everything done by 10 so i can leave. Yeah? Good luck with that. All my photos are done... 9pm rolls around, time to close photo. Usually, i pull the garbage, stock the cooler and make the announcements. Today? I walked around, talked to Julie, took my time with the garbage... Shame on me, i know. But why? Cuz Michelle had to make the store look spic and span OFF THE CLOCK. Hello Karma.

Matt says i'm passive/aggressive... not a bad thing, considering i could be a total bitch to everybody. I like keeping it inside and letting whatever happens... happen.

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