Saturday, June 5, 2010


I MOVED OUT! I still have to go get my stuff, but i did it! Mike left me at the Saigon for the LAST time. $4 drinks sound like a good idea unless you're a RAGING FUKTUP ALCOHOLIC BASTARD! But i digress. He got drunk, said some things and took off. And i didnt follow. Come on guys, he just got free money... where do you think he was? So i stayed and visited with Tinman and George, doing karaoke, talking, having fun and not worrying. No, i was worrying, but obviously not as much as i should have been. Karaoke ended about midnight, and i took Tinman home. First we stopped by the casino for food, noting gidget at the table. "Go low, win high!" Yeah, whatever. We had a nice dinner, and we were talking so intensly i didnt notice Mike leave. We finished up, and i went to take him home. I was planning on visiting for awhile, i didnt want the night to end. But Michelle called, whispering when i was driving. She wasn't exactly, but she was either close to it or trying to control it. So i took Tinman home, and went home.

Disaster. Mike had kicked the coffee table up over, threw the garbage can around the living room, threw Nate's xbox across the living room, threw plates (Breaking them) and food around the living room. My habit of ripping paper made the garbage in the living room look like New Years confetti. Would have been funny if we weren't in danger. He was balistic. He went in the bedroom and threw hair cream at my computer. 3 keys smashed and broke off, the hair cream splattered across the keyboard, and his dresser. He threw our mattress up against the wall, jumped up and down on the boxspring, breaking it. I kept telling him to calm down, he's scaring everyone. He called me a whore, and a slut, screaming he thought i was different. I turned to leave, and Michelle was standing right there. Great. So i'm out, staying with my bestfriend.  God help me, i needed this.

His step-mom said i can stay, and pay rent. I cant pay anything this month, i know i'm in trouble cause i cant stay here if i dont earn my way. I have to figure something out...

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