Monday, May 3, 2010


Lets see if i can summerize all of April into one blog. I doubt it. I'd like to say i haven't written because there has been nothing to write about, but thats just not true. Fact is, there is so MUCH to write about, where to begin stymies me. How about friends? Thats always a good place to start, if you have any. I'm lucky enough that I do.

When i was 16, due to some family issues, i had to say good-bye to my bestfriend Wes. When i was 21, we crossed paths again, but we had nothing in common, and my boyfriend at the time was a control-freak, so the friendship didn't re-kindle. But this time, we're all older, more mature, and my boyfriend doesn't give a damn what i do, as long as he gets to have a girlfriend. (More on this later...)  Wes is cool, he's a computer GENIUS. He's quiet, but when you get him to open up a little, he'll keep the smile on your face.

Tom... I miss Tom. In fact, Tom and Mike are so much alike, Tom is the reason i started talking to Mike. Seriously... I was talking to Tom, who lives in Missouri, and telling him about the Performance. The next night, there is this guy at the PG (Performance Grill) that i've never met before. This isn't unusal, but i swear i KNEW this guy. I called Tom, no answer... I sent hom a text, to see what this guy at the table would do... I was CONVINCED this guy was Tom. Finally, Tom answered, but i didn't see the new guy touch his phone, so i knew he wasn't Tom.  Why do i say i miss Tom, then? Because he shared something of mine, a secret that i dont tell people. I thought i could trust him, and he did what he did out of friendship, but it hurt too deep. After i confronted him, he told me he had told his friends, family, and emailed some facebook friend of mine, which lost me THAT friend. I'm not ashamed of my secret, but it's not the kind of thing society smiles at.

Mike- The guy at the bar? That looked and was as quiet as Tom? Mike. Not "My Mike- AKA Mikey." No... Mike. He's another genuis. He plays it down, but i've lost at pool enough time to know better. He's a mathmagician. Yes, Math-magician. He's magic with math. Keep up people! =) I'm still getting to know him, but he's a sweetheart, and always asks if i need a ride home, just in case.

Mikey and i are still having trouble, but i have a new bestfriend to lean on. To protect his identity, i'll call him by his stage name: Tinman. Our friendship started thru karaoke, he was just another one of Mike's friends at the bar. Except everytime Mike left me to go to the casino, Tinman was there to make sure i got safe, until i got smart enough to start taking my own car. We've been thru so much together, he deserves his own posting... Wait for it, it'll come soon. But thru it all, ups and downs, we're bestfriends. For now. LoL

I say for now, because i have a bad habit of not keeping bestfriends. Matt is the perfect example. And look how that ended up. Suppossedly he's coming back into town... There's no compitition between Tinman and Matt, but many many comparisons. They both warned me not to fall for em, i will get hurt... I did. Both taught me different genres of movies, and music. Both understood about social phobia, and other problems. I could go on, but i wont...Yet. =)  It's coming, just wait.

So, thats friends. Now, family. Not too much new on the family front- i tend to not visit as much as i should, simply because here's how a visit goes: G meets me at the door... G follows me around around bitching about C, M, D, S, A, J, or anybody else in that house. In case you are severly slow... my family has rteal names, i'm only using letters to signify who they are. Gotcha? K. Now... G follows me around as i do laundry, or go into M's room to visit, causing M to put on headphones and end the visit. I'll find C watching TV, but when G follows me talking, C cant hear TV, gets mad and leaves, giving G more reason to bitch. I get it, G is lonely. But come up with something POSITIVE. Or at least put a positive spin on it??  Sorry... i think this is where i try to stay positive, cause if people thought of me the way people think of G; i'd slap myself.

So, thats April. I'll post about Tinman next, simply cause i have so many jumbled thoughts about him. And i will TRY TRY TRY to post more. You can always comment, or drop an email and i will update. Ask questions, get answers, stuff like that.  =)  KEEP SMILING!!!

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