Thursday, April 16, 2009

new job!

Whew. I applied for this silly job back in January. They lost my application! I re-applied and they called 45 minutes later. i went in for an interview, smiled and nodded, and was hired pending 2 things. 1) Peeing in a cup. ew. 2) FBI background check. Crap. No, i'm not on any watchlists or BS like that, although i do know a few people that are or should be. But i do have that pesky restraining order. What will pop up and how do i explain? "Well, see, i dated this guy that liked..." Nevermind. Cant do that to him, no matter how mad i am. but if this stops me from getting a job, i'll have to do something. Well, came back clear, so i got the job. Yeah!

Now, i have been with this guy nonstop for the last few weeks. If you are an avid reader, you might remember the guy from the bar? Yeah, him. We did coffee, and talked, and turns out he's really really nice. I had to go thru an adjustment to make sure my feelings were real, not just transferred... i'll let you know how that goes. My other friend, the one that moved the beginning of this month? Yeah, the 1 month time frame i gave myself? Well, he's 'bout there. Sad.

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