Saturday, April 18, 2009

Moving Day!

And i'm typing as fast as i can, because the battery on my laptop is slowly draining. I know, you're thinking i can just plug it in, right? Well, our power is out. Not yet sure if it's because of the bill not getting paid or it may be a complex thing. I have to wait and see if i can see lights in the other windows, and today is so beautiful out, i doubt that people will use lights until they HAVE to.

I woke up on the floor this morning, same as i have for the past 2 weeks. But his time, Mike was standing over me, beaming. Why? Because 2 things were accomplished this week. I told him i would move in IF i got that job, and we could... consumate our relatonship if he gets a bed. He's been like a puppy, begging, and i feel bad, but sleeping on the floor is bad enough with out rugburns. So he was beaming cause his mom found a bed. Uh oh. *facepalm* Dont get me wrong, i'm sure it will be fine. He's learning that i have to earn my place, im not comfortable without feeling needed. Let me do dishes, cook, clean, something! I looked up at him grinning, and said... "I live here now, dont i?" And he started laughing and tickling.

He went to work at noon, and i started cleaning. About 2 pm i'm knee deep in ashes (We have a fireplace!! Yea!!) and the apartment goes silent. DEAD SILENT. No music, no fan, nada. I wait for a few minutes and nothing comes back on. I cant call the electric company, i dont know the name its under. Hell, i dont even know the address! I cant call or text Mike cause he's swamped on the weekends and the phone beeping will irritate him. He'll call me when he can and i'll tell him. He wont at all be happy cause he had 4 teeth pulled this week and has been in PAIN.

Well, we'll see if my friend keeps his word and calls me today to hang out, we'll see if the lights come back on, and we'll see what happens when Mike comes home. I'm not looking forward to it, truthfully.

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