Thursday, April 30, 2009


Bye Sprint! Now i get why you're called "Sprint"- you want us all to run away as fast as we can. Well, i did. I sprinted right to T-mobile. My grandma has them, likes them, and so i'll give em a shot. It's my sis and me, so i got us some really nice phones that double as MP3 players. Mike pays his parents like 30 bucks a month to be on their Verizon plan, and since it's free, i added him to my account and found him a nice camera phone. Since my credit card address is my parents house, the phones were to be delivered there. I was checking the UPS tracking number every 15 minutes, until it showed they were delivered- Yeah!!!  I called Cort, who told me no- the neighbor just got a package, not them. UH OH. Now, i'm not so much into bragging, but since they were free, i got some expensive phones. Cort's and mine were 450.00 each, and Mike's was 600. I waited a few hours before calling T-mobile, and told them what happened. Get this: The phones had been activated, and used! They put a trace on em, found out UPS delivered to the wrong address (duh, thats what I told you) and that a 12 year old had signed for and was using my phones. He had downloaded over 200 dollars worth of games and music, in just a few short hours. Here's why i told you the price of the phones: This stupid 12 year old kid now faces a felony charge for fraud, and theft because of what he did. 2 strikes in 1. AND I FEEL GUILTY. I asked T-mobile, if he gives the phones up, will they drop the charges? No- he has to buy the phones, AND pay for the downloads. Yeah, this kid is gonna pull 1700 out of his ass? And then I got the bill, and if it was him or me, well... he did it! So yes, charges were pressed, T-mobile sent me new phones, down here @ Mike's, and i'll never know what happened, because the family packed up a truck in the middle of the night, and moved. Damn.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Redemption...Sort of

Well, somebody broke your heart. I can tell because the you of late is not the you i love. The smiling, laughing, f**k-the-world-cuz-im-gonna-own-it attitude...where did it go? Whomever she is, im sorry she hurt you, and i want to kick her ass for it. But i really want to kick some ass because she took the smile off your face. You let her dictate how you feel? Do you know what that makes you? That makes you ME. I have secretly (or not so secretly) admired you for your confidance, for your water-off-a-ducks-back attitude. So i will forgive the fact that lately im feeling like welcome is stamped on my forehead. Again. But...come back soon?

Monday, April 27, 2009


Why do i give you my last 30 dollars on the day you got paid??
Why do i continue to waste gas and risk a speeding ticket so you can get to work??
Why do i keep giving you my car, when you return the gas tank lower than empty??

I hate myself. I cannot say no, even when it puts me in hot water. Wouldn't a real friend know when to stop? Wouldn't a true friend see how much pain you put me in, and stop lying and doing the things you do? Lies this week alone: Gonna return my car with gas. I put my last 5 dollars in gas. We drove you home; mike came just to make sure you would put gas in my car. You didn't. I am STILL getting bitched at. I have to run to renton to get something. Hurry, hurry, hurry, cause its for your boss. Except... you took it home. Nice cover, by the way "My boss came to my house to get it..." STOP LYING. Now you have my car again, and i have once again paid the price. And i have no doubt the gas tank will be returned empty, it will have fast food wrappers and smell like... Well, not like perfume.

True friendship means you know you are hurting me and you STOP. What would you call this??

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Moving Day!

And i'm typing as fast as i can, because the battery on my laptop is slowly draining. I know, you're thinking i can just plug it in, right? Well, our power is out. Not yet sure if it's because of the bill not getting paid or it may be a complex thing. I have to wait and see if i can see lights in the other windows, and today is so beautiful out, i doubt that people will use lights until they HAVE to.

I woke up on the floor this morning, same as i have for the past 2 weeks. But his time, Mike was standing over me, beaming. Why? Because 2 things were accomplished this week. I told him i would move in IF i got that job, and we could... consumate our relatonship if he gets a bed. He's been like a puppy, begging, and i feel bad, but sleeping on the floor is bad enough with out rugburns. So he was beaming cause his mom found a bed. Uh oh. *facepalm* Dont get me wrong, i'm sure it will be fine. He's learning that i have to earn my place, im not comfortable without feeling needed. Let me do dishes, cook, clean, something! I looked up at him grinning, and said... "I live here now, dont i?" And he started laughing and tickling.

He went to work at noon, and i started cleaning. About 2 pm i'm knee deep in ashes (We have a fireplace!! Yea!!) and the apartment goes silent. DEAD SILENT. No music, no fan, nada. I wait for a few minutes and nothing comes back on. I cant call the electric company, i dont know the name its under. Hell, i dont even know the address! I cant call or text Mike cause he's swamped on the weekends and the phone beeping will irritate him. He'll call me when he can and i'll tell him. He wont at all be happy cause he had 4 teeth pulled this week and has been in PAIN.

Well, we'll see if my friend keeps his word and calls me today to hang out, we'll see if the lights come back on, and we'll see what happens when Mike comes home. I'm not looking forward to it, truthfully.

3 little words

That can do so much. Yup, you guessed it. I Love You. Well, not you personally. No, maybe i do, maybe we've met and i dont know. No, we haven't met, so i dont know you, so i have to burst your bubble. Sorry; i dont love you. So, whats with the 3 little words? He said em. My friend, that is. Surprised me by calling me after work, and giving me a ride home. I could have walked; just 5 more blocks, but its the thought that counts. And as i was getting out of the car, after him teasing me for pouting, (I was so tired and only he knows how to make me smile that way, damn it.) he said it. Like i've hoped for months and months. And you know what? He meant it. But it didnt effect me like i thought. I always thought it would feel like ice water in my veins, but this was very relaxing and i said i love him back. And i do. He will always hold a special place in my heart, he will be the one i drop everything for, and if i decide to have children, he will be asked to be their Godfather. Simply because he is an honorable guy, no matter what he thinks of himself.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

new job!

Whew. I applied for this silly job back in January. They lost my application! I re-applied and they called 45 minutes later. i went in for an interview, smiled and nodded, and was hired pending 2 things. 1) Peeing in a cup. ew. 2) FBI background check. Crap. No, i'm not on any watchlists or BS like that, although i do know a few people that are or should be. But i do have that pesky restraining order. What will pop up and how do i explain? "Well, see, i dated this guy that liked..." Nevermind. Cant do that to him, no matter how mad i am. but if this stops me from getting a job, i'll have to do something. Well, came back clear, so i got the job. Yeah!

Now, i have been with this guy nonstop for the last few weeks. If you are an avid reader, you might remember the guy from the bar? Yeah, him. We did coffee, and talked, and turns out he's really really nice. I had to go thru an adjustment to make sure my feelings were real, not just transferred... i'll let you know how that goes. My other friend, the one that moved the beginning of this month? Yeah, the 1 month time frame i gave myself? Well, he's 'bout there. Sad.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Disappearing friends Again!

Truthfully, this one isn't disappearing in my definition of the word. He's moving. And i'm happy for him because i understand why, but sad because i can foresee that within a month or so... this friendship will be tested. Moreso than it already has been. And by mothers' day one or the other will have disappeared totally. emails will be passed for awhile, random, at bizarre intervals. those too will taper off. Like a sailboat at sunset, it will gradual and unnoticed until the day he picks up the phone and hears... "This number has been changed and is no longer in service." Painful, the one friend i never thought i had to disappear from.