Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ouch~ Surgery...And Irony?

Strange. Riduculous and strange. I've been awake almost 48 hours, bear with me. 2 days ago mike had a dr apt for what he thought was hemmroids. i know i spelled that wrong; sue me. i went with because the last time he went they gave him a shot that made him woozy, so he may need a driver. Unfortunatly, he needed more than a driver. But i'm ahead of myself...

The dr listened to mikes hemroid history, and how he just needed it drained, so she stuck this metal telescope thing up his butt. Sans warning. He jumped, clenched down, and the telescope thing popped out. The dr said she didn't see any hemmroids, but she saw something. At this point we got worried. Until another lady walked in, and asked mike about his insurance. He doesn't have any. At that moment, everybody stopped. The dr with the telescope told us that without insurance, she could do nothing else but she did see something so he needs to be seen at the hospital ASAP. Viva La Seattle Indian Health Board. Imagine being proud of your heritage and having it be ashamed of you. Off to the hspital we went.

Harborview hospital... got there at 4pm, got back into the room at 11. At this point mike cant even sit down, he's in so much pain. I called his mom to see if she could go get nathan, and she wanted to be updated. same with my mom. But when we got back to the room (curtain) the dr's kept coming and trying to..uh... open the hurting area. Finally they had to give him a shot of lidocane and morphine to relax him and they saw an abcessed cyst. He needed surgery NOW. If it ruptured, he could become septic (blood infection) and die. The Dr could have been a little nicer telling us that, i believe. They wheeled him back to the ICU and kept him on a morphine drip, waiting to set up the surgical room. He was wheeled back at 2am, and out by 2:30. The nurse stayed with me the whole time, telling me what was going on, and how his vitals looked. They brought me into recovery and i had to take pics. he looked so drugged up; it was funny. He looked over and told me he loved me, and we'll always be together becasue i stood by him and forgave him for everything. then they wheeled him up to his room.

Now... I forgave him? He loves me? No. He doesn't love me, he loves the fact that i can, will and do everything and pretend that it doesn't matter. And it makes me mad, but oh well. He wasn't there for my surgery... What should that tell me?

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