Saturday, October 2, 2010

OUCH- Surgery!

This wasn't my first surgery.This wont be my last, either. Sure as shit it was the most complicated. No, not the Doctor, he did a great job! Save for the fact that i only met him for 5 mins, before he read over my doc's notes and decided i needed  surgery. So surgery was scheduled. Mike has been working 13 hour days for the last 2 weeks, and i knew he would be too tired, but i asked him if he could drive me and pick me up. I dont need any hand holding! I didn't tell my mom, cause i doubt she'd remember, or something would come up and i'd be hurt and dissapointed if she didn't show up. I'd rather do it myself then be hurt when no one comes thru. The hospital called my grandmother becaue they couldn't get ahold of me, so that changed that plan. But they did say that they would bring Dave up, so he could be there. He's incessant about being there. I keep telling him i dont need anybody, i dont need anybody, i dont need anybody... but he seems to think he knows better than me. Whatever. We compromised, and Mike will take me in the AM, my mom will pick dave up and bring him so they can both be there, and dave can drive my car home, then my mom can take him home. Then i can get sleep...zzZZZzzzzZZZzzzz.....
Mike said he would be there for me. Except the night before the surgery, he went out after work. I'm at home, freaking out, and he shows up at 3AM. He walked in, talking about overtime and traffic. Wasn't until i got home yesterday that i saw his timecard. Yeah, boyfriend of the year was out of work at 9PM, went drinking, gambling, and i'm at home freaking out cause i have to be in surgery by 8.  Why do i give a shit?

Another change of plans, my mom wasn't going to school. In fact, she didn't really remember i had surgery! So i asked dave if he'd take me, stay and bring me home. Then my mom can take him home. I grabbed him up the next morning, we went to the hospital, and they checked me in. Lovely hospital gown! :-P Dave came in and we waited until it was time. He said he loved me, and they took me back. Next thing i remember was waking up with my mom and grandma standing over me, with a very cute nurse taking my vitals. He asked if i wanted dave to come back; of course! First i asked my mom... No, Mike hadn't shown up. He had called the house, thats worth something i suppose. At this point dave is getting more points in the "I give a shit about Missy" catagory. Least he's here for me.

Mom had bought me flowers and a card, and as we were getting ready to head home (She drove me, Dave drove my car, then my mom was going to take Dave home.) We have been thru surgery before, and the quickest way to recovery is SLEEP. I could not wait to get back into bed and just sleep away the pain and the medication. On the way home, amanda called my mom. Bitch needs to go pick up her son, needs my mom's car. So change of plans... We stopped at the store and got soft foods i could eat, and Dave bought me a cute card. My mom was going to come back ASAP to take Dave home, so i could sleep.

When we got to my house, he helped me set up a bed on the couch. He got comfortable, setting up movies he could watch. I was trying to not fall asleep until he left, but after an hour i gave up. I texted my mom, who told me she wasn't comfortable around dave, so i passed out asleep. And as soon as i did... He woke me up. Why?? I'm not sure. But strtoking my hair and kissing me was not helping at this point. Texted mom again... Not coming. Back to sleep... Awoken again. In pain, took pill, asleep. Woken up. LEAVE ME ALONE, LET ME SLEEP!!!!! I was so tempted to tell him to take the bus but i was hoping he'd leave on his own so i wouldn't feel bad. I was in and out of it all day, but i remember dave left before mike came home. As soon as he did, i grabbed my blankets and crawled in bed. I slept until mike walked in with a cute card. Then left and came back with a potted flower, the color of the rose my mom had given me! Then left again and came back with a huge pink butterfly balloon. I lined all my gifts up, and passed out. That night, when i woke up, Nate brought me dinner he had made. He didn't know i had surgery, he thought i was sick. What a kid.

Today i woke up in a little pain, but mostly i feel like i've been punched in the stomach many times. Like a tattoo almost! I can see my belly button is bruised, thats where they actually pulled out the gall bladder. Yikes! But i cant wait to take the bandages of and see what it looks like! :-)

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