Monday, November 19, 2018

I shoulda stayed married

 13 years ago today I threw caution to the wind, gave away almost everything I owned and boarded a plane to Sweden to marry a man I met on the internet 6 weeks prior. After knowing him 11 days, we got married, which began a roller coaster of international paperwork and permission from people that had no idea who I was, ending in divorce, deportation and hiding underground.  Knowing what I know now, if I could do it all over again. .. I would've stay married.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Just for giggles

I'm hanging out with my mom at Grandma's house, and neither one of them can hear properly. So I'm beginning sentences and not finishing them or just using random words to make them look up and say what? At the same time my mom's talking to Grandma, who can't hear and Grandma talking to my mom who can't hear their backs were to each other so they're only hearing every other word. This is like some weird silent thirties film comedy! Haha! =) 

Thursday, August 9, 2018

the valet made it punny

 So yesterday kinda sucked, but its yesterday. When i was waiting for my car from the valet, i had a panic attack- people scare me. The valet attendant came over to check on me, and told me corny jokes to distract me. I sent a big thank you to him and his company this morning. I promised him i would share this joke: What kind of fuel does a physical therapist run on?


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Fuck you Dr Wyman.

 Guess what? I'm fat. I know, it shocked me too. I thought those damn clothes elves were sneaking in my room at night and shrinking my clothes! Good thing i met Dr Wyman. He took one look at me and said (seriously)  "You're fat. A brace wont work, you're too fat for knee surgery- you should have weight loss surgery and then come back. Im not into giving opiates so what are you here for?"  Well...i was kind of hoping for a cortisone shot and a referral to physical therapy, but you're right, i just shouldn't exist. He showed me xrays from 2012 and 2017, did NOT offer to take xrays today, and i was out the door in under 10 mins.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Just another night.

I waited until 11 for a text so I could know what personality was coming home but he never texted me so I took my meds and went to sleep. The new dose of seroquil puts me out like a light,  but kept my pants and shoes on. I was woken up at 145 with him trying to stick his hand down my pants.  I wish right now my life didn't hang in the balance of Social Security. If they deny me, I'm going to have to find a job stuffing envelopes and move back in with my parents!!  LOL if they approve me leave my benefits alone, I'm going to start looking for a new roommate. There's so many people that I would rather live with then stay here and be worried about what's going to happen when vodka Boy comes home. My home is the one place I should feel safe in, and I don't. That was my day... How goes yours?

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Lincoln County Sheriff's Office, Sheriff Wade Magers
On February 14, 2018 at approximately 08:10 p.m. hours the Lincoln County Dispatch Center received a 911 call from a Wilbur resident located on Cliff Street. The reporting party advised dispatch that a male subject had entered their residence and was talking gibberish and assaulting the occupants.
The occupants were actively defending themselves and fighting with the male subject who was punching, grabbing, and pushing the homeowners and other visitors. After an extended struggle a firearm was pointed at the suspect and he fled the residence.
Sheriff Wade Magers and Deputy Luke Mallon arrived on scene and located the suspect approximately 1 block east of the residence, he was observed to be yelling, swinging his arms and walking around incoherently. The subject was rolling on the ground and attempting to avoid arrest and continued to yell for several minutes. The subject was bleeding significantly from the prior altercation and self-inflicted injuries from the ground.
The subject was taken into custody and Wilbur ambulance personnel checked out the home owners and suspect who was then transported to the Lincoln County Jail. Numerous Deputies and W.S.P. officers were involved in the case.
The subject has been determined to have significant mental health issues and his delusional behavior continued at the jail for over 12 hours. Correction and Road deputies had exposure to the suspect’s blood that was profusely spread throughout the patrol car, equipment, jail cells and clothing. As a result decontamination and medical treatment was provided to employees.
As of this afternoon many resources to include mental health professionals and medical professionals are attempting to locate proper resources and assistance for this unfortunate circumstance.
The victims did an outstanding job, dispatchers, jailers and deputies and support staff spent countless hours on this case and it continues to be fluid at the time of this press release.


On Valentines day, my cousins house was broken into, and my 70 year old cousin had the life nearly beaten out of him. He didnt want to worry anyone, so he ignored what turned out to be broken ribs and a bleed on the brain. He developed pneumonia because of the pain of breathing, and was admitted to the local hospital. That night he had a heart attack, and the CPR deadened 1/4 of his heart and exacerbated the brain bleed to the point of near brain death. At this point the Dr's are taking it hour by hour, and we're praying that all 6 of his kids get in from around the country to say their final words. Please pray for my cousin Dave. Thank you!!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Last Monday was our 9th... something-aversary and it was also one of the worst fights we've ever had. If I believe even 1% of what he said I should just off myself right now because I'm a worthless POS. We haven't spoken a word in an entire week, and today at his lunch he sends me a text. He asked me if I was leaving him, because in his dream he saw me take a shower and pack my stuff with a red headed man from Scotland.
I don't even know how hard I should laugh at this text, other than saying I really wish I knew a red-headed man from Scotland that I could borrow just to F with his head. Is that heartless of me? Lol
(please don't worry about me, I have a sense of humor and I've learned what he's really mad at is not me, so I don't believe any of it.)