Thursday, July 26, 2018

Just another night.

I waited until 11 for a text so I could know what personality was coming home but he never texted me so I took my meds and went to sleep. The new dose of seroquil puts me out like a light,  but kept my pants and shoes on. I was woken up at 145 with him trying to stick his hand down my pants.  I wish right now my life didn't hang in the balance of Social Security. If they deny me, I'm going to have to find a job stuffing envelopes and move back in with my parents!!  LOL if they approve me leave my benefits alone, I'm going to start looking for a new roommate. There's so many people that I would rather live with then stay here and be worried about what's going to happen when vodka Boy comes home. My home is the one place I should feel safe in, and I don't. That was my day... How goes yours?

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