Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy labor day =)

started out okay, mike wanted to go swimming, so he was calling and texting michelle and nate, neither asnwered.  I called my mom and asked if i could come do laundry, she said sure. So i figured i'll go do laundry, he can go swimming, everybody's happy. After last night, we're happy spending time with each other. but why push things? absense makes the heart grow fonder... Mymom called me and needed something from the smoke shop, so MY plan was to go visit michelle so our cats could play together, go buy the stuff, then go to mom's and do laundry. Didn't really work. We took one car to michelle's, so mike was going to drop me off, and come back later. But i need him to go to the store, he's not happy about it so he goes home. I went, bought the stuff, went to mom's. did laundry, came home.  good day...ish.

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