Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gio vs mom

Well, today was an eye opener. I keep in contact with my Grandma, who let me know that my mom... no wait, there's a back story. When i was 21, i was diagnosed with Bi-polar/Manic depressive. If you don't have it, that sounds like that biggest oxymoron- Manic-depressive? Is that possible? Yeah, because i was either on RUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUN mode, or i really don't even feel like pushing the blankets off me, getting out of bed wasn't even on my top 10list of MUST DO'S. And there was nothing that would cause this switch- it just happened. Looking back, it had been going on for awhile, but i could always find a blame. Something my boyfriend had done made me have to drive to alki beach at 4AM. The fact that somebody said "don't" meant i HAD to.  We went to this charity dinner at my grandma's church, where she actually introduced me as her granddaughter with bi-polar. I dont know why i was so hurt, it might have been the disease, but it hurt pretty bad. This is how my grandma thought of me? Shouldn't it be kept within the family? I remember crying to my mom, so pissed at grandma it hurt to think the words. So... fast forward 10 years, my sister's fianc'e has met me twice. The first time ended in a family fight, the second i wanted to kick his butt. So when grandma called me today to tell me that my mom was telling Gio secrets to make him feel closer to the family, i hit the roof. She had told this complete stranger, that she knew i didn't like, to basically forgive what i say, because i have bi-polar. Yea! another fight!  FML.

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