Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Freakin' 4th

I hate men. I wanted to spend 4th with Dave. But his family is like mine, ya never know whats going to happen, who's gonna be there, the variables set off my anxiety. My family was going to uncle mike's so mike volunteered us to go to Val's. He lives in Enumclaw, nice for fireworks! :-) I asked Mike and Val if Dave could come, and they said yes, so i gave him directions. He showed up about 2 hours later, poor guy. But we had dinner, sang some karaoke, had fun! We then went outside to watch fireworks, and Brandy texted me. I expected Mike's phone to go off, but it didn't. I told him to text his kids, and a few minutes later i got text from Brandy... "Please tell my dad to leave me alone. I hate him." I didn't pass that along. Instead, i texted Mike 143, so he would know I'm thinkin about last week, and i know he's depressed and needs a friend. His family is here, and Dave and I are his friends, we're here for him. I thought he would look at the text, smile, and be done. Instead, he looked at it, saw it was from me, not Brandy, and gave me this weird look. Then he opened the text and outloud reads "one-four-three?" Shit, he doesn't even know what it means?

Dave does. And he was a little drunk, and got mad at me and was ready to walk home. I caught up with him in the front of Val's house, where he informed me it wont work between us. This is probably the 5th time he's broken up with me, and we're not even a freakin couple! I took him to his car parked at safeway, and he was pissed the whole time. Then he had the gal to ask "Will i see you later?" I said i doubt it, i have ALOT to think about. He drove off pissed.

Nate and I left Val's about half hour later, and on a whim, i drove by the Spunky Monkey. A bar. I bet you 100$ that because i didn't go fuck him, he'll pick up somebody that will.

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