Friday, January 8, 2010


Why was I fired, you may wonder? Well, i have butted heads with Michelle since she was transferred to our store. Everybody has- Michelle herself will be the first to tell you she has NO personal skills. On this particular day, our store was getting ready for the holiday rush, and we had 2 undercover policemen walking around our store. They were there mainly to catch shoplifters, since Christmas brings out the best in people. But along with the stress of having undercover cops there (even the employees didn't know who they were; and they would change daily so as not to attract suspicion.) we had the store manager, district manager, and loss prevention manager there. All employees were a little tense, it was a Friday which is truck day, ad with that many managers, you dont talk. You WORK. Well my friend, who shall remain nameless, loves to talk. About his wife, financial worries, everything. Michelle had already warned him to work not talk. Then she busted him again for talking. She was in aisle 2, and i was unloading baby supplies in aisle 3 when i overheard her talking about him.  "If it was up to me, he wouldn't be working in my store!" So i walked around the corner, and, without even thinking, said "Michelle, if it were up to me, you wouldn't be alive!"  Big oops. Cause she was talking to the 3 managers. Crap. I was pulled back into the office so fast my shadow couldn't keep up. I had to fill out paperwork saying why i said what i did, and was given a 5 WORKING days suspension.  I say working days because i had cut back to part time, and was only working Thurs thru Sun. So in actuality, my suspension was 2 weeks. About a week into it, i received a paystub in the mail. Checking my bank account, i had a larger amount than i expected. I called to see what this was about, and was told i was no longer employed. Damn. They cleaned out my locker and mailed me my stuff. That was that.

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