Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Full moon or what??

Looking at the calandar, we're still a week and a half away from a full moon. But something is in the air for my friends and myself, and its not pretty. I'll start Chronologically, since then nobody can claim i favorited them. My friend Steve was fired for sexual harrassment. Now, i know Steve. So i know it's true. Dude's a horndog that would hit on your grandmother if given half a chance. Then my friend Allen lost his roommate, Kevin. Kevin moves out just about every other month, so this was not a surprise. Except he did this after Allen lost his job (bad week for Allen, really.) and they had no money for rent. So I help Allen move when he lost his apartment. This was bittersweet- he gave me some stuff from when i was sleeping on his couch last year, with my (at that time bestfriend Matt.) It's doubtful i'll ever see Matt again- conflicting stories tell me he's on 2 different sides of the country. He's good, but he's not THAT good. I might see Kevin, but only if he wants. I didn't see what everybody else saw, that Kevin had feelings that went deeper than friendship. He shows up @ The Performance Grill for karaoke every now and then, but Allen shows up more. I worry about all 3 of them. 

My friend Mendy found out the worst way possible that her husband cheated. AGAIN. She was pregnant last Summer, on her 21st birthday. She couldn't drink, so she stayed home to pay bills. (seriously.) She was going thru her T-mobile bill, and discovered her husband was talking to another number regularly, did some sluething and, involving half us Walgreener's, she confronted the other woman. Things died down, unfortunately, the stress (or something- cause Dr's NEVER really know) caused a miscarriage.

My friend Tom could be caught in a double whammy- he couldn't (maybe didn't want to) get out of jury duty, and on the way home from day 1, his car quit on him. Didn't make it to the repair shop before closing, but he thinks its the transmission. Keepin my fingers crossed for him, thats for sure.

My friend Tinman is hurting; his brother was arrested today. Turned himself in to get the best deal. Dont know what he did; not my business, but my hugs are with that family. And his 8 month old daughter.

Mike got a blow and a half, too. We filed and recieved our taxes early, and split the refund 50/50. And he's SHOOTING thru his.  If i EVER hear the words "Daaaad...buy me ____, take me _____, lets go/do something" again, i'll go postal. Lets go to the Park? We live ONE MILE away from auburn's biggest park! Nope. Too cold/dark/wet/far. Lets walk the Supermall? Sure! Got money? Idiots.   Whoa-- back on track here....  anyway, Mike has been going thru this money like he had more coming- he thought he did. Unemployment. He was fired same day as i, December 4. Each week, i file his claim for him, and last week they called to tell us the paperwork was on its way. And today he heard... Denied. I hid the alcohol. He was looking for his 5th of rum at 3 in the afternoon, and it would have been UGLY if i hadn't hidden em all.  Rum makes him mad. Mad on top of mad, with 2 teenagers that want to spend money he just lost? No. NONONONONONONO. I rubbed his feet till he fell asleep, and rubbed his back as he had bad dreams.

My mothers problems run into mine, sort of. We don't talk like mother and daughter, haven't really since i was 18. Last time we talked, she called to say she was at the store, buying me something cause it was on sale and would bring it down. Didn't hear from her the rest of the day. Next day, my phone rings, nobody there.  I call back- mom answers. It was the baby she watches that called. I hung up; we haven't spoken since today, when she texted that she needs 500 dollars to get stuff out of the pawn shop. WFT can you have in a pawnshop for 500 bucks?!!  Oh, 5 DIFFERENT things. Lets see... Where's my dead brothers diamond earrings? Oh, you lost those last year to hawk? Hmm... where's his gold necklace? Same?? Wow. Um... where's the very special engraved Mother's Ring, with our names, and birthstones?  Again, lost to hawk over the past year? Wow... STOP F***ING PAWNING STUFF!!!!  I told her to find her slips and I will get the stuff out. Nope- she wants me to give her the money. Which is one of two things. Either she doesn't have 500 dollars worth in the pawnshop, and will pocket the extra, OR she doesn't want me to know what she pawned. Either way, she decided to risk the chance of this stuff being on the shelf until Friday, instead of telling me so i could go pick it up for her.

So- thats my update, and i know i say this everytime, but i will post more!!  REMIND ME!!!  =)

1 comment:

  1. Wow you are the inspiration to change all our days!! i believe anyway! thanks for keeping u fingers crossed!!!!
