Sunday, May 10, 2009

New friends and misunderstandings

What a day. Started off okay- let my friend borrow my car, he said i'd have it back by Saturday; he was having the oil changed and checking the brakes. Hell of a deal, right? Well, Mike and his brother, a mechanic, along with my family all told me that i should have had it back days earlier. What happens between my friend and i STAYS THERE. So these people didn't know all the details and i'm not telling you either. But i did confide in one person, and told her of my fears. What if he... What if something... She handed me teh phone and said "Call". So i did. And the mechanic i talked to couldn't find my car in the system. I thanked him and hung up. I was kinda seeing red, but thought maybe my friend put it in under his name, perhaps? So i drove up there. I had borrowed my father's truck, which was the reason they were pushing me to get my car back...more on that in a minute.

I drove up to the shop, looking carefully around and not seeing my car or my friend. I had assumed he was driving my car, even though he told me it was staying in the shop overnight. And when i saw neither him nor the car? I was livid. I went into the shop and asked him to please run my VIN and see when the car was in last. His answer? December. (Thats when i bought the car.) I thanked him and left. Got in my dad's truck and hauled ass back to my parents. About half way there, my friend called and i unloaded. i told him i called and showed up and nobody knows where my car if. I dont need my brakes or oil changed, just give me back my car. I really dont think ive ever been that mad/hurt at this guy before. He explained it was being done as a favor, so its not on the books. Everything he said made sense but still sounded like BS. i was MAD. To make a long story short, my car WAS in the garage, under an employee name, not in the computer, and i got my brakes checked and my oil changed. I felt like a heal for the rest of the afternoon.

That is until a friend i haven't seen for over a month just showed up at my work. The last time we spoke, he got mad at me because i wouldn't have sex with him. I refused to leave my friend (The same one that borrowed my car, believe it or not) and drop everything to come have sex with him. I told him he makes me feel like a whore, and he sent me an email with one word. "Bye". I never thought i'd see him again. Yesterday he came into my work... he's happy and healthy, so i'm glad for him.

Mike picked me up from work cause WE had a misunderstanding as well. While i was at work, he stopped by and was talking about his ex. He does this. Alot. Then he asks if he can borrow my car because she is having a birthday party. I handed him the keys without even thinking, and he kissed me and walked out. About 5 minutes later it hit me and i tried calling his phone. No answer. So i sent him a text. No answer. My anger is really building at this point, so i called Matt. Poor guy. First i dump on him for my car, then i dump on him for Mike's BS. But, being Matt, he listened and calmed me down and i went back to work. Where i ran into Mike. He came back!? He looked hurt, and asked me why i thought he would go to a party without me. I said that thats what i thought i heard. I didnt mind, he's stayed friends with his ex's, and he's honest about it, so i have nothing to worry about about. But why MY car? He drives a toyota he bought FOR HER- drive that! I had a feeling he wanted her to see what his current girl does for him. (He thinks i'm rich, cause i can handle money responsibly.) No... WE are going to her party at the end of june. She was 86'ed from the bar last year, but she's sure that they have forgotten. (She poured a pitcher of beer over Mike's head, and he's one of their favorite people. Trust me they have NOT forgotten.) Mike explained this, and went out to play pool. I calmed down. Again.

I got off work and walked to the bar as agreed. We left there and went to this lettle bar that his brother used to own. I walked in and ran into Kevin and Allen, the "bodyguards" that protected me from Mike the first night we met. I was half expecting to see Matt, but i guess they dont talk anymore. Sad. I have passed Allen a few times, but haven't seen Kevin in a few months, so we were talking and hugging and laughing. And mike was drinking... and drinking... and drinking. i tried to pull him into the conversation, but he was just sitting back and listening. He never let go of my hand, which i loved. Yes, he's possessive, and yes, i like it. Nuff said. We slowed danced a little, and Mike went up to pick a song for karaoke. Kev and i talked a bit more, he's working, having fun, etc. Then he and Allen were called for karaoke, and Mike was suposed to be next. He wasn't. 4 singers later he was mad and ready to leave. We stood up to leave and they called his name. He went up to sing and i sat a little closer so i can see him. He always sings so beautifully. And then the music started... "My girl" by The Temptations. This is the song he sang to me on our first official date. And i started to tear up. But the part that made me cry? "I Guess, you say, What can make me feel this way?" The lyrics are "My Girl" He sang "Melissa." I started crying which made the few people around me smile a little. He finished and we came home. What a day, what a day. =)

Good night All!

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