Friday, December 12, 2008

Disappearing... Again

Okay, i have this really bad habit of smiling. At all the wrong people, apparently. To me, a smile says 'Hi, how are ya?' not- come f*** me. And when i try to not smile? I get that 'Whats up with the bitch?' look. Sheesh, i can't win. What am i ranting about? Really, who cares anyway, but one can pretend i suppose. I have a friend that has nothing positive in his life, if you look thru his eyes. Thru MY eyes, he has a nice girlfriend, a beautiful son, a roof over his head, a car and TWO jobs. But anytime he calls, its just to bitch about how bad his life is. I so would like to say GET A LIFE but i can't. I smile, and i listen, and when i leave i sit in my car and cry it out. I have changed my phone number 2 times to get away from him. Why twice?? Cause i was a sucker and called him from my new number, which he promptly blew up with phone calls. Now, i dont mind being a friend; i quite like it infact. But he's bringing my "Pollyanna Complex" down down down. I've started a new social circle of friends, and as long as they can put up with me, i'll be disappearing again. Sorry Robert, you're gonna have to stand alone.

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