Thursday, September 18, 2008

Who Am I??

You know that girl that wants to spoil you? Rub your feet after work, allow you to vent without pushing "What are you thinking?" The girl that will make you dinner at a moment's notice, the girl that your mother will love, the girl that will respect you in public AND in private. I'm THAT kind of girl. The girl that is happy with your arm resting on my shoulder as we watch TV/movie. I love the feeling of your hand in mine, I love phone calls just to say hi. I'm THAT kind of girl.

I want to be yours. I want to fall asleep in your arms, and wake up in your arms. I want to call you and hear the happiness in your voice. I want to make you happy, but not only by opening my legs! I want to listen to how your day was, and make your favorite dinner. I want to come to you and tell you that you're going to be a daddy! (Already have children?? OK!~ children are wonderful!) I'm serious. I am sick of guys that just want in my pants.

I love getting to know people, listening to life stories, offering my own if its along the same subject. I crave learning; would love to return to school eventually. I live a simple life, missing only that one special person to come home to at night. That person that brings out the light in me, that makes my family think... Where has HE been?? Look at her; she's in LOVE.

I love water. The sound of it, the feel of it, standing by it, just enjoying it. I can't explain it, it's such a pull to me. I love the little things in life. I'm faithful, never cheating and will fight for what's mine, but if you find something better or something that makes you happier, I'll step back. And still keep you on speed dial, as a friend. I'm not pushy--I'm not going to call you 10 times an hour, screaming where are you??! I will call just to say... I'm thinking of you, and/or I miss/love you.

I promise to be faithful, and loving, and loyal. I promise to take care of you and do everything in my power to make you happy. I promise to rub your feet/neck/back while you tell me how hard your day was. I promise to not push you for "What are you thinking?" I promise to love you, and only you, and to never stray. I promise to keep your mood positive, and always try to bring a smile to your face. I promise to conduct myself in public with respect. I promise to never embarrass you in front of your friends, male or female. I promise I don't care what you do for a living. I promise I don't care what you drive, what you look like, or the numbers in your bank account. I promise the only thing I want is your happiness.

1 comment:

  1. you are the right girl!!!! thats who you are i wished you lived closer god i care about you and always will
