Saturday, September 13, 2008


Rules prior to surgery:
1) Get a good nights sleep (Didn't; was stressing and my new friend invited me over)
2) Don't drive yourself to or from surgery (Had to; family forgot--no shit)
3) No eating or drinking after midnight (I took my anxiety meds dry mouth, gross)

Okay, after my brief 5 minute meeting with dr smith, i was stressed to the extreme about letting this putz cut into me. I stayed with my friend matt until like 4AM when it dawned on me that he had to wake up in the morning cause he has something i dont have; a JOB. I left feeling guilty, and stressed, and wondering if my family would actually show up. Maybe it was like a surprise thing, they didnt talk about it because they wanted to surprise me! Um, no. I walked into auburn hospital, and checked myself in. Got into the gown and met the anestesilogist. he put the IV in, and immediatly had to take it out-- way to help with my anxiety, buddy. i ever rock the boat?? No. Should i have?? HINDSIGHT IS 20/20!!!!! This gidget almost injected me with the wrong medication, dontcha know.

dr smith comes in, looks at me- "Ready?" and walks away. Like im gonna say, 'No- can we postpone this? Lets do lunch and get to know each other first.' Idiot. But before i can bite my tongue, i'm injeted with (hopefully) the correct medication and my whole body is warm. I lift my arm to look at the wonder-drug and i seem to have a few of them. each arm is a different color, and when i move i see a rainbow. Im waving hello to myself in an effort to see the rainbow and the assissting nurse comes in. She took one look at me, and backed out of the room. No words.

few minutes later the rainbows and i were wheeled into a scary looking room. this table had an instrument in it that looked like a rapists best friend. this bump in the middle loooks uncomfortable as hell, but it places one's ass at the correct place. The straps look fun, but that could just be the rainbows speaking. mr medicine comes over with more rainbow juice, and his nurse places this rubber mask over my face and asks me to count from 10. Then it dawns on me... IM about to be strapped on the rapist table. I look at dr medicine to ask for something for anxiety, and the nurse gassed me! I didnt even get to show off my counting skills!

Im being shaken awake by this blond thing telling me to breath. Well, duh. Cant you let me sleep AND breath? I can multi-task, i promise. "Melissa, we need your stats above 75; look" and she points to this beeping machine that shows my O2 level at 68%. Well thats not good. She says if i dont start breathing, she'll bag me. I try to speak and my throat is on FIRE. I cant even whisper, it burns. i dont remember this from last time. I close my eyes, breath in thru my nose and out thru my mouth; ignoring the burn. after 5 deep breaths, my stats have risen to 72% which gets blondie out of my face. She sits at the end of the bed and i try to sleep.

Now im being wiped down with a very very cold cloth, and whispered voices are asking if i want juice. I cant speak so i nod my head. Ah, sweet sweet grape juice. Then the nurse asks if i have family in the waiting room. I... I don't know. She goes to find out, and comes back with a sad look and apologizes. No. I have nobody. She asks how i am getting home; in the file it says to call for an insurance covered taxi. But my car is in the parking lot! I tell her that my brother is just waiting for a phone call, and he'll come get me. I'm hoping she'll let me walk out "to meet him" without watching me, so i can just go. I call my bro, he's in Orting, be here asap. 3 hours later he shows up with friends. He comes up, signs me out and we walk out. He still has errands to run, so i assure him im fine and can drive home. (My rainbows have faded.) Besides, i have prescriptions to fill that i would rather nobody know i have.

I limp in the door, and grandma is waiting. To bitch. Surprise. "Do you know who spent the night here? Do you see the toys on the ground? Who do you think is gonna clean this up? Your mom? no, she never...." I lift my shirt to show her the bloody bandage and she STFU. without a word, i walked upstairs and crawled into bed. Before my eyes could even blink, my mother intercommed me. "Your surgery was today?? Why didnt you say anything??" Well, i figured the fact that i told you yesterday, and the day before, not to mention the red circle on the calander was enough of a reminder. My bad.

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