Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Now what?

 Yesterday was...weird. Mike has been syrupy sweet all week, but also not drinking, but im still not talking to him. Getting close to him gives me panic attacks and depression. I still cant believe he yelled at me last week, but i have to let it go cause if i dwell on it it will literally kill me. He has cleaned his living room, made dinner and shared with me- cleaned the bathroom...always smiling, humming, happy. So he called me from work and asked me to make a Dr apt for him, i said sure, would he mind stopping by Walgreens for me? I offered to take him out to dinner because the weather is BEAutiful!! He said sure.  We hung up. Usually at Walgreens he calls or texts and makes a joke (i think) about forgetting my birthday but nothing this time so i figured he was back to normal. 

About 4ish he came in with my scripts, and said he had to wait like half-hour; 5 cars in front of him. Of course, i feel guilty- i told him that he didnt have to wait but i appreciate that he did. So we went out to dinner, the only place we ever go- the Mexican restaurant 2 miles away. I knew it was coming, but...Yawn. i have no teeth, so i cant eat the chips. We usually chit chat before we even lift our menus,  he taught me this trick. The waitstaff will stay away longer and sometimes you get more chips, LoL  This time though, he picked up his menu, which we pretty much have memorized anyway, and he was set.  So i picked a meal that i could i shouldn't have but he would be able to take take to lunch, so double win? 

I played damsel in distress and let the man order for me. He forgot to tell the waiter which was which was we got that straightened out. We ate, talked a tiny bit- so very very strained. Sad, really. I paid, because i asked him and we left. My car needed gas and, continuing the "You're such a big strong man/damsel in distress"  i asked him if he would mind. I wanted it full up but he put 10 in, so whatever. It surprises me that he didnt know my PIN. Anyway...silent trip home and up the stairs, then back to out respective rooms and no contact the rest of the night. Cest la vie.  Sad.

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