Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Tonights service was really awesome. My mom helped me hand out the gifts i had gotten for the kids, which you can see the 2 oldest slept with. Bella got a diary opened by voice control and Elyse got a pillow with her name engraved on it. These kids love church like i used to and it brings back such wonderful memories. I hope i look back on this in 10 years and show it to the teenagers they will be. <3 p="">

Friday, August 29, 2014

Cortney Ear Surgery

 God, i know you're up there watching, and can see that i'm stressing about my sister's having surgery. I pray that you give me a steady driving hand to get her there safely, a surgeon that has had just the right amount of caffeine to be awake but not jittery, and recovery nurses that treat  her like the princess i think she is. I know it's all in your hands, and i thank You for making her completly calm about the whole thing. ~Amen

she's all checked in, and they just sent her back to surgery. The anesthesiologist couldn't get a good stick so he's going to try to get her asleep. This, along with the actual procedure: us, the family not being told exactly what was being done to her, has me stressing and worried. I am heading to the chapel thank you for your continued prayers and please keep them coming!

And...She's done. Everything went, well, it went. Not exactly according to the plan, but she'll heal. Thank you for all prayers and positive thoughts,  I know they helped!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Polo blac, Tinman and car thieves

 3 years ago my bestfriend moved to Texas. Before he left, he gave me a bottle of his favorite cologne. Last night, thieves went thru my car, scattering my papers, and stealing that cologne. I wouldn't mind so much, it's just material stuff, except... He died last year. I'll never have that to help and smell and remember him.

**Update** I found an incense company, in TX of all places, that makes Polo black 4 hour incense.  Im about to buy out the inventory!! 

Friday, March 14, 2014

small blurb about surgery

 Well, Mike's Valentine's Day injury does need surgery. Hopefully we'll find out the date soon; he's anxious to get it over with and get to healing.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

New Papa Sick

 So i just recently found my biological paternal family- and boy are there bunches!! 7 aunts and uncles, multitudes of cousins- a family reunion would be fantastic!! Except last summer we lost grandma Karen and she is the one that accepted me in to the family, so it wouldnt be the same without her. Im writing about papa today because he told my mom and i awhile back that if his cancer comes back, he wasnt going to fight it; he was going to be with Karen. I accepted that- 50 years together is an achievement and a half! Well, now he's in the hospital and it doesnt look good. They're doing all sorts of of tests and procedures on him, and since it turned out 2 of my aunts are royal bitches, im not allowed to go see him. It's bizarre- hen karen was on my side of the mountains i was there everyday with their mom, when they couldnt make the trip. All other aunts and uncles, even bitches husbands have no problem with me, but Joanne and crystal... bitches. Anyway, now im babbling so ill sign off, but papa, please get better! Theres memories i want to hear from you!!  

Sunday, February 23, 2014

New Church!

 Mike and I just got home from Church. As much as i hate organized religion, i think we'll be going back. The ministry was personal, but not over-preachy, the congregation was super nice, the pastor's wife offered to pay my way to the Woman's retreat next weekend, multiple people reached out to make us feel comfortable.