Friday, August 29, 2014

Cortney Ear Surgery

 God, i know you're up there watching, and can see that i'm stressing about my sister's having surgery. I pray that you give me a steady driving hand to get her there safely, a surgeon that has had just the right amount of caffeine to be awake but not jittery, and recovery nurses that treat  her like the princess i think she is. I know it's all in your hands, and i thank You for making her completly calm about the whole thing. ~Amen

she's all checked in, and they just sent her back to surgery. The anesthesiologist couldn't get a good stick so he's going to try to get her asleep. This, along with the actual procedure: us, the family not being told exactly what was being done to her, has me stressing and worried. I am heading to the chapel thank you for your continued prayers and please keep them coming!

And...She's done. Everything went, well, it went. Not exactly according to the plan, but she'll heal. Thank you for all prayers and positive thoughts,  I know they helped!!

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