Monday, December 31, 2012

Auburn police 💙

So. Safeway gives discounted gas if you buy $100 worth of groceries, you get $0.10 off your gas. Unfortunately this only works if you remember when you bought the groceries and the points and discount expire at the end of the following month. Well I had saved up through mostly prescription medications, a full dollar off of gas, and given that today is New Year's Eve I knew that my points and my discount will expire tonight. I also know that I was waiting for my tabs in the mail, so I didn't really want to drive but I knew I had to because hey, a dollar off gas is quite a bit! So... in the lottery of police officers, I hit the jackpot. Not only was he cute, but he came up to remind me that my tabs were expired, and when I reached for my wallet to give him my license and insurance information... My wallet was not there. My wallet was actually at home on my dresser, which did not help me in this situation. My brain went immediately to I can't afford this ticket, he's going to take me to jail, who's going to tow my car away, all of the major stressors and I started to cry. Now, being part of the self harm Club, I don't cry. But I was so sure that just to save a couple of dollars on gas was going to cost me thousands of dollars that I was bawling and blubbering to this poor police officer who immediately started laughing. Not in a bad way, in a very friendly a, I've already run your record and your fine kind of way. He told me to go get the gas and go home and then we both realized that I couldn't pay for the gas without my wallet so he told me to just go home. Auburn police sometimes get a bad rap because we have a lot of homeless, and drugs but this officer is beginning my new year and an awesome new way. He also told me to tell my boyfriend that I couldn't even get a traffic ticket from a traffic cop with my smile.💙

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