Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Okay, so a few days ago, i'm getting these pone calls from an unknown number. i dont answer my phone if i dont know, just let them leave a message. I was visiting Marlena that night, and this number called again! I was telling her about this number calling me about 6 times in the day, and she told me to answer it, i could hand her the phone if it was some creepy guy. So i answered, and this guy asks if i'm Melissa. i said "maybe...it depends" He laughed and said if i didn't know,who does? He introduced himself and asked if i might want to stop by sometime.  He lives in Fife, not that far from my city. I said sure, and he said he'd call me in a few days. I thought it was already a weird set-up, but what the hell, right? So i went over today and had a blast. He has 2 kids, adorable and brilliant. He's crazy loud, in your face, i had to take 2 anxiety pills just to stay focused. But it's nice to have friends again. He has 2 room mates, David and Jason, they're pretty cool. I didn't really visit with them, but they were nice. This could be fun, right?

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