Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ex Lover My Ass

Yakima. Wapato. 2 ex-girlfriends. Wait, excuse me, ONE ex-girlfriend and one ex lover. His "true love" in his own words. Her mother passed away, and as much as i was sorry for her, since the funeral was at 8AM we had 2 choices. Leave Friday night and spend the night their; no money for a hotel would leave us at the mercy of either ex or an ex drug dealer. Or we could get up at 4AM and drive. He wisely opted for the latter. We pulled into the funeral home at 8AM and the parking lot was empty. Mike called his mom, who reminded him the funeral was at 10, not 8. So he called his daughters, that live with their mom, and we took them out for breakfast. His daughters, not his ex.

During breakfast, his daughter was like "buy me a car, dad, take me to the mall, dad." He apologized because i had to be at work and he couldn't spend more time with them. I felt bad, because i do like his daughters.  After breakfast we dropped them off and went to the service. It was beautiful, and afterwards, people lined up to say their respects. Since Nate and i never knew her, we went out to the car. mike came out a few minutes later and we headed home.

The next day, Mike had to work his 10 hour shift, and came home so tired. Even though i had worked my 10 hour shift as well (I hate sundays) I promised to rub his feet and give him a sponge bath. He got in the shower, and as i was finding his clothes, his phone chirped he had a text message. I assumed it was the karaoke host telling him to go sing, and didnt want to go out, so i hit View.

And the number was a 509 number; NOT the karaoke host. 509 is the area code for Eastern Washington. As in, Wapato/ Yakima, where we just were. I opened the text, thinking his daugheter and immediatly hoped i was wrong. "I forgot to say good-night and i will love you soon." HOLY SHIT. Backtracking thru his texts, they had been talking dirty all day. It didn't take a genius to figure out it was Arlene, his "truelove".

This man that promised me he would never cheat on me, that was calling me lover and baby, from the next room... He was sending back texts "he hadn't seen her bare shoulder in a while..Grrr...." (She had sent him pics of her tattoos and her trampstamp.

Now, to his credit, he at no time texted the words love. But there had been many a phone call, God only knows what they had talked about. She is supposedly happily married, and Mike promised he wasn't that kind of guy! Well, screw him in the bathtub, i took 5 of my anxity meds with a shot of tequila, and was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Next morning i woke up still pissed off, grabbed my laptop, logged on to T-mobile and BLOCKED HER NUMBER. No texting either way, and if she tries to call she will get a messages saying the phone is out of service. If he tries to call her, an automated voice will say "You are not allowed to make calls to this number" and hang up. At which point he'll ask me why, and i'll ask him why he wants to call her. Bitch move, probably, but i'm not going to stand back and watch it happen. Later that day, we went to his mom's house, where she asked if Mike had talked to Arlene, because she gave her Mike's number. All this time i thought Mike had given it to her... Oops. I told his mom yes, they had been sexting, which she heard as texting, thank God, and got me the dirtiest look from Mike. Oh well, now he knew why i wasn't speaking to him. When we got home, he swore up and daown there was nothing going on, she's happily married, yada yada yada. Heard it all before. Now we just wait to see when he asks why he can't call, right?

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