Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No babies...

When i was 19, i had an ecptopic pregnancy, and they checked my hormone level after the operation.  They found my body doesn't make Progesterone, and told me if i ever want to have children, i would need synthetic. Well, i never had a boyfriend that i trusted to have kids with, so i didn't worry. Until Mike. He wants another son, so i went in, and got new blood tests. My progesterone levels are less than .2, and a normal level is about 5. 10 when you are at the peak of ovilation.  (ew, i know, Sorry.)  The dr asked me how long it had been since my last cycle, and we counted down. I went in on day 21, when my progesterone would have been at its highest. I got my results back today...  At its highest levels, my progeterone level is 1.3.  Now, synthetic progesterone is no problem. Except my body makes too much of a hormone called Prolactin. This comes from the pituitary gland, which Mike lovingly told me is why i'm so big.  Yeah, thanks honey. So i go in on Friday to find out what can be done, and i will keep you updated. In the meantime, pray, please? I would really like a baby.

1 comment:

  1. u will be in my prayers always since you have been there for me always
