Sunday, August 19, 2012

Last night =P

I was doing absolutely nothing, while mike and val went to help Carla move. Carla is a crackhead that used to run with the Hoppy's, back when Val ran the Homeplate Bar. They've stayed in touch, and yes, she's the one that supplies rock when mike gets the need. Or a 20$ bill. ANYWAY~ they finished helping her move to an apartment in Auburn. Why was she moving? Well, she kinda burned her house down. Yeah, with a pipe. She actually lit fireworks inside the house with it. I've never done it, so i cant say why, but...Really?? After they helped her move, they came back here, mike showered and then took Val home. Usually on Saturday Mike goes to the bar but our electricity is going to be turned off any day now, and he has a child support hearing in the 22nd. So i assumed (don't go there) that he wouldn't be going to the bar. He called me from Val's house- the Mariners AND Seahawks are playing~ do i want to come out? Oh, why not? So i went. I turned left out of our driveway and was stuck in traffic. What the hell? Car accident? Traffic up the hill... Maybe something going in at the casino? Nope- 4 or 5 miles of traffic all the way to the White River Amphitheater, because KISS and Motley Crew were playing. Normally it takes me 25 minutes to get to Val's, but over an hour later i was still in traffic. Must have been an omen...  I got to Val's and Tim and Kelly were there. I've met them a few times, but each time Tim thinks its the first time. Yesterday he had gone swimming in the river while inebriated, and cracked a rib. So the alcohol and jokes were running wild. Mike was drunk before i got there, plus had 7 more beers in the 3 hours i was there, and when the seahawks won he started talking about going to sing. Val reminded him that none of us has money- the last 20 went to the ice house they were drinking. That didn't stop mike. every time anything came on that resembled a lyric, he was singing. I knew what he was doing- warming up~ But Val and the guys just told him to shut up so they could watch mariners. Tell Mike to shut up enough, and he'll leave. That's what we did. He's drunk, and wont ride with me cause he wants to go to the bar and i don't want to. So he takes off. I follow, and it turns out to be a pretty nice bar. He ordered his beer, they offered me free Pepsi for being the designated driver, but i chose water. About 15 mins later, in walks Val, Tim, Kelly and Anne! Now Anne has Huntington's Disease. to be blunt, she walks and talks like she's already drunk, which is sad. She's such a nice lady, i will miss her. They ordered drinks, and mike started a pool game. Just as he got them all racked up, the karaoke began. He was the only singer, so he did 2 in a row before the KJ turned off the music. She said she wanted more singers, so mike put in songs for all of us. Val, me, Tim, Kelly AND Anne. The music started again, and he sand- then the KJ called Val's name and he was MAD~ he didn't want to sing! I played this little dude in pool and won, and val was playing me. When he said he didn't want to sing, the KJ called MY name! I shook my head no, and mike took my turn. Then his turn. Then the KJ called Anne- really??  Poor gal cant stand without falling, and Mike put her name up for karaoke? By then there were more people, and the KJ is calling for Anne. She wants to please people so she stands up and immediately falls onto Tim, who screamed. (Cracked rib, remember?) So the majority of the bar was looking in her direction, she got flustered and started towards the door.  Val and i went to help her, and we got her outside okay. She smoked a cigarette and calmed down.  I went back in, and Mike was sitting at the furthest table from the group, and he had 'The Look'. The one that tells me to either make everything better or sleep somewhere else. I rubbed his back, and asked him what was wrong? He pushed my hand away, and said that i chose his brother over him! (Gag!!!) I cannot stand Val, and Mike knows this. But I'm guessing he wasn't paying attention when Anne was having her trouble. He stood up to leave, and i followed. We passed Val and Anne coming in, Val asked where we were going. I said Home, i hope! and we left. He got in his truck, and screeched away, i started freaking out. You don't want to drink and drive in Enumclaw. Nowhere, really, but Enumclaw is pretty harsh. I followed him down Auburn-Enumclaw hwy, until the Amphitheater.As luck would have it, it was just after 11:30 and we hit traffic. Police were diverting off the hiwy to control traffic, and i was REALLY hoping that one of these cops would smell the beer on his breath and stop him. At least if i was behind him, they would let me take him home...right? We made it thru the maze they set up, and i made sure that i stayed 3 car lengths behind Mike's truck. I could see him, he couldn't see me. And sure enough, at the Casino where he should have turned left to go home, he went straight to go to the Monkey. I came home and took my medication. At 2AM he woke me up to let me know that within 2 months i wont know him and he'll be in jail for taking care of my bi*ch mom, my wh*re grandmother  and his f*cking b*itch c*nt w*ore of an ex. F*ck Marilyn (our landlord) F*ck the world,f*ck me, his kids, my family, everyone. When i didn't respond (What was it i should have said??) he tore the blanket off and turned the air conditioner on. I didn't respond because this is how he talks when he's drunk on rum. Why he brought my family into this time i have no idea, I've given up talking about my mom. He punched the door closed then flopped into bed. I waited about 5 mins, and when he started snoring, i got up to assess the damage. Some pop cans thrown around, and the bar from the freezer door was on the stove, but otherwise nothing serious. I turned off the lights, locked the door, closed the window and curtains, and turned off the air condition, then tried to sleep. And naturally, when he woke up this morning? Didn't remember any of it.

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