Friday, March 20, 2009

Disappearing friends

He pulled my act! He had us all fooled. He said he was moving things around and he left! No good-byes, until my friend called me and asked what i knew. I know nothing of this situation, so i called him, the disappearing act. He filled my head with what goes on when i am not at that house. I cant say i am surprised. When 2 of the 3 housemates get together, shit is talked. What made me think i was so special that i wouldn't be talked about? What made me think my friend would stand up for me, even? Apparently i was wrong on both counts. Talk about your sucker-fish.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Restraining Order??

Okay- i'm very mad right now... I was playing on Matt's computer, showing Allen and Kevin how to look up their criminal records. Dont ask me why we were doing this... Boredom takes a new toll when your high. Typed in their names, got nothing. Which they found thrilling since they're self-proclaimed bad-asses. Let me figure out how to run California, and i'm sure you wont be as spotless! But I digress. I typed in MY name; at least i know i have a divorce and some traffic tickets to brag about. (Yeah, i'm a self-proclaimed bad-ass too.) What popped up though was NOT the usual traffic violations i'm so famous for. What popped up was a restraining order! FROM JC, OF ALL PEOPLE.

I ran to the courthouse this AM, printed out the paperwork. This fool has written that he believed since i was in his care, i was responsible for doing what we did. He's seeking protection from his work, home, and CiS office. Yes, Seriously! Now this actually works in my favor, since before i couldn't fully disclose anything about our relationship. But i contacted the King County Prosecutor, who informed me of 2 things: 1) It's not legal until I'm served (This doesn't matter cause i have no desire to speak to JC anyway) and 2) since HE disclosed private details, now i can.

I wont go into our relationship, suffice to say that he fu**ed up. Or rather, he fu**ed anything that would show him attention. And if i wanted to hurt him, i would go into detail. But he was thrown back in jail, ending our relationship. And now this? He's better off behind bars, where i cant get him, i suppose.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

New friends?

Okay- last week, i got hit with a few blows. and sitting in a bar, having my friends roommate have to baby-sit me from a stranger with roving hands didn't help my cause. This guy wouldn't take the hint! Recapping for my friend, he informed me that i was teasing his roommate that liked me as more than a friend, but i didn't see it. Self-realization slapped me upside the head. Am i sending out mixed signals?? Im not looking for anything right now. Especially after the shit pulled on V-day, no way. Im not getting hurt again. Yet as i write this, my hand wanders to the phone, dials my business voicemail number, and i hear the voice of a man that did not give up. 10-20 calls per day... maybe he sees something others don't? Something I, myself have missed? Ponderous.