Thursday, September 26, 2024

Happy daughter day

 Not too many people know that when I was 20 I became a mom to 2 adorable children. My daughter was 10 and my son was 8. In 2004 the whole family (kids, dad, grandma, and co-mom) went back to Iraq and I haven't heard from them in 20 years until July when an accident brought my daughter back in my life. In my mind she is still that teeny little child, even though she has 3 of her own now. That said, Happy Daughters day, "R". I have never stopped looking for or loving you and I'm so proud of who you've become

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My... daughter... holy wow!!

 For those who don't know, when I was 20 I had a small family of 2 children, and the in laws that came with them. In 2002 that entire family went home (Iraq) and I've spent my adulthood looking for them, while afraid to find them.

Recently I was reunited with my 33 yr old daughter and she is just as happy to be reunited as I am, even though our lives have taken drastic turns.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we fill in gaps and straighten the edges of what was taken from us

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Don =(

 Don is Mike's stepfather and he's one of the best. Literally,  when you treat him with respect,  he's like Santa Claus and will be your best friend.  He puts up with Mike and brothers,  and a bunch of females and female issues.  He's the kind of guy who would go into a store,  buy tampons,  buy cookies,  hide the tampons in the cookie bag and give you both,  without making a big deal about it. 

I once asked him if I could have some spare blocks for a church craft.  He gave me the spares, cut more for me,  donated some paper and money,  showed up at church and bought his own blocks back,  and donated money to my church.  

He's been having some issues and in and out of the hospital and it saddens me that he doesn't feel well.  I won't state it here cause it is his private life but he deserves prayer,  so if you are reading this... please pray for Don. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

happy valentines day 2024


My Valentine this year started Monday even though Valentine's was on a Wednesday. On Monday Mike was at the bar pretty late as per use on Mondays but this time before he left the bar he texted me do I want him to bring me home something? He said they have good tacos salad and he knows that's my favorite so I said yes! He said this was my Valentine's Day dinner. 

So I was extremely surprised on Tuesday when he tried to sneak me in a balloon and a dozen red roses! Normally we don't do Valentine's Day because our anniversary is so close but a girl gots to love flowers in a balloon right? And they are beautiful! 

But after he got home from work on Wednesday and I gave him my Valentine's present which was a heated back massager we didn't really talk. Well, kind of. I made lasagna and salad for him because he always cooks for me and then he went in and took a bath. When he got out of the bath he was naked and wiggling all over the place but he was in a good mood so I just ignored the naked. That was the last time I saw him that night. 

He went into the living room and watched TV for about an hour and then he went to bed. I asked him if he wanted company, and he made some weird noise but... it's a question if you don't answer it I'm not going to assume. He knows this, and he knows how much it hurts me when he just makes some weird sounds instead of answering me. 

But about a half an hour later I did hear his phone beep and I knew he was texting somebody. I waited to see if he was texting me or maybe his brother because Val is very depressed today. I checked what I know and how I know it and I felt ice hit my heart. He was texting Veronica, making sure she had a good Valentine's Day. He did not text either one of his daughters or his mom or anybody else, just her, just the one that I had to remind him and her that it's inappropriate to speak the way they were speaking to each other.

 Now I'm looking at these flowers and this balloon and my heart hurts because I thought we were past all this but I guess not. Happy Valentine's Day. 😔 

Friday, January 5, 2024


 Val's girlfriend Annie passed away today. She's been battling Huntingtons for as long as I know her which is 15 years but they told me back then she wasn't going to make it 6 months so she's a fighter! 

The past 3 days have been hell because she can't eat and when the Val gives her Ensure she just throws it up. The chaplain's been out there and hospice has been out there. Val has been in touch with me but not Mike because we all know what Mike's going to do when he hears the news.

Ironically Mike called in sick today and about 2:00 Val called and told him to get out there, now is the time. About 15 minutes later Val texted me that she was gone. According to what I can find out Mike has texted his kids so that's a plus. I know he's hurting but I also know that he's going to leave his brother's house and, well, not come straight home.

 I'm hurting a little bit because Mike hasn't contacted me at all which is pathetic to be sad about considering, but he knows that I liked Annie and wouldn't it be considerate to get a phone call or a text? But he's made it clear over the past few months that he and I are no longer he and I. I'll try to post if they plan a celebration of life because I know I won't be invited. Again, Petty as hell but that's how I feel right now.  Val has kept me up to date but not Mike.