Thursday, February 3, 2022


 All last week Mike and I were both down with covid 4 the second time. We're pretty sure we got it from his son who got it from his sister because they ran around Leavenworth when she knew she was infected but that's beside the point. This time around covid hurts a lot more than it did the first time and we have both been coughing, coughing up stuff, runny nose sore throat so tired body aches, it's like having the flu times 10. Well yesterday was Monday January 31st and Mike went back to work. He didn't have to have a covid test to prove he was negative because at this point nobody in the world cares but he could not come back to work if you had a fever. He went in late because he woke up with a fever, and waited until the fever went down. I laid in bed watching my computer because again like I said everything hurts and depression is starting to kick in. I sadly assumed once Mike went back to work he would call me to see how I was doing. I was wrong. Not only did I not get any text or phone call saying how are you or I hope you're doing okay, like a normal supportive boyfriend would do, he called me one time to find out if I had the paper that his boss needed. Not my responsibility to keep your paperwork dude! Then he went to the bar for four and a half hours. Again, no negative covid test still had a temperature when you woke up this morning but then again alcoholics will be f****** losers. When he got home I was halfway asleep so he'd hit his stupid ass trick of scraping his fingernails across the wall to make sure I'm awake and then standing in my door whining and crying because his gut hurts and his heart is skipping and it hurts him to breathe. F*** you you idiot. Nobody told you to go to the bar, nobody even told you to go to work! But Your Love of Money just ruined this relationship. I don't even want to see your face little oh no that you were ever part of my life. I hope your mom calls me when you finally do die otherwise I'll never know.