Saturday, December 12, 2020

Grandma fell *Updated*

 The first night in her new/old home, AKA my moms house, grandma tripped over something and fell, hard. She used her cane to bang on the wall and get my parents attention. They called 911 and ambulance came to get grandma. Originally it looked like a broken arm but now it turns out she ruptured her spleen. Between this and COVID-19, she is hurting.  

Hospitals have rules- only 1 visitor per day and our family is taking turns but now they are moving her to a rehab facility and she'll have a window where we can stand outside and visit. But she doesnt have her hearing aids in and she seems... angry and sad. I know she wants to come home, and i bet she doesnt understand that she just in rehab for a few weeks until shes strong enough to walk and stand without help. 


 Grandma's HOME!! Still in pain, but getting better. after 3 weeks in hospital and 3 in a physical rehab house... she's home. And i thank ALL of you for your prayers and well wishes. ❤ ❤ ❤