Monday, November 19, 2018

I shoulda stayed married

 13 years ago today I threw caution to the wind, gave away almost everything I owned and boarded a plane to Sweden to marry a man I met on the internet 6 weeks prior. After knowing him 11 days, we got married, which began a roller coaster of international paperwork and permission from people that had no idea who I was, ending in divorce, deportation and hiding underground.  Knowing what I know now, if I could do it all over again. .. I would've stay married.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Just for giggles

I'm hanging out with my mom at Grandma's house, and neither one of them can hear properly. So I'm beginning sentences and not finishing them or just using random words to make them look up and say what? At the same time my mom's talking to Grandma, who can't hear and Grandma talking to my mom who can't hear their backs were to each other so they're only hearing every other word. This is like some weird silent thirties film comedy! Haha! =)