Thursday, October 22, 2009


Tonight started out simple enough. My computer has been geeking, so i called my friend John to help. He's a computer genius and a half, and if anybody can fis it, he can. He plugged it in, it did its thing, he did his. He turned it off, handed it back and said "Yup, you're fucked." Not exactly the best news from a computer tech. But my computer is still under warranty, so im okay. I hugged John and we left. We being Mike and I, who i asked to come along in case John wanted payment that i wasn't prepared for.

On the way home, John texted me "When are we gonna go sing karaoke?" I posed this question to mike, and he said we'll hit Charlies at 8 and Performance at 9, as usual. Well, John got into a huge amount of trouble and had to sell his car, so i offered to pick him up. We got all dressed up, as we do, and we grabbed John about 8:45. Got to the bar at 9ish. I opened our tab, we got our stuff and sat down. Mike starts going thru his envelope of songs to sing, and i was teasing john to put in a song. The karaoke host came over and asked mike what he was gonna sing, said hi to me and locked eyes with john. She FROZE; like something out of a movie. Now... John has a rep for being a freak in bed, he's try-sexual. Meaning he'll try anything. In fact, i stopped talking to John for awhile because he asked me to take pics at a party and i opted to hang out with Matt.

Anyway, Sonya composed herself, and started karaoke. After a few rounds, john put in a song.
"Creep" by Radiohead. A line in this song goes "I'm special... so very special" And Sonya whispered in the microphone "Ed!" (Special Ed...get it?) the whole place started laughing and john loosened up. A few mins later John went to the bathroom and Sonya came up and asked
where he's been! Then she took John OFF my tab and started him on hers! and told us not to tell him. But his next coke, the waitress told him. Then John went up and started HER on a new tab. And they were inseperable for the night. They danced quite a few times, even sang love songs to each other. i was very impressed.

It would have been a perfect night had matt showd up, but that would have been too much for me to believe. But i wanted him to know i missed him dearly, so i texted twitter, attached to facebook. Mike and i sang and danced, all was okay. About 11:30 my friend Julie showed
up. We work together, so it was a trip to see each other out of uniform. We all sat together, and were laughing, drinking and talking. I had my 2 drinks; the bartender made me a drink "Frog Pee" A drink she invented. It was good, but after 2, i was done for the night. I was drinking water like... a fish! Ha!

Okay... about midnight the bar filled up. The "regulars" had been at a birthday party, and had just gotten back. Kimberly came over to me to ask if i was coming to the party next friday. (Sheila is Mike's ex-girlfriend and her party is Friday the 26th) I said i dont want to, but Mike is going to make me. Kimberly jumped in waited 10 mins, then left. I was on the verge of panic, i knew i was in deep shit for saying anything. I drove home, slowly, looking. Not at home. I double back and drove a different way; no mike. Following the third way home it dawned on me. The Casino. Sure enough, he was in the back, top of his lungs cussing about women trying to control him. "My ex-bitch wanted my money, took my kids and my car and left a hole in my heart
only for Melissa" (This would have sounded sweet under NORMAL circumstances.) I walked in and slid my hands around his waist and waiting for his breathing to calm down. He asked me if he could play with his last 20$. His money is non of my business, but i reminded him he wanted to send Michelle money. He started to cry and say those lovely things that alcohol brings out in
him, and we left. We got home, and he kept saying he loves me but i couldn't say it back. He told me i was just like his ex (Ouch.) and got out and slammed the door. I looked up at the roof of my car and asked God to give me ONE reason not to drive to the river. And jump in. About 3 seconds later, my phone vibrated... It was Matt. My reason.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Okay- so i haven't written in quite a while. So lets see where i can remember leaving off, and catch up. First and most important, i'm no longer friends with Matt. After a year of friendship- which is generally the length of time i can keep friends, we parted ways. It all happened coincidentally, but that just means it was meant to be, right? Okay, here's what happened. A week before he was to fly out to somewhere for a job, i had my friend Jay check my oil. I was almost empty, but didnt have the money for an oil change, so he just threw in 2 quarts and warned me to change it ASAP. Matt asked me to take him to the airport Monday night/Tuesday morning at 3AM, but i went over Sunday nightto hang out. I was actually in Tacoma for another reason, which hurt Matt without intending to. I was trying to keep things simple and keep money in my pocket, without taking a cut AND losing my portion. Thats all the detail i'll go into about that. Anyway, he was mad, so as a truce, and as a way to say good-bye, we went out to eat. True to my knowledge, since he knew i had money, I ended up paying. While we were drinking our coffee, and having breakfast, (It was midnight, after all) his girlfriend Cynthia called. But lets start from the beginning, shall we?

I first heard of Cynthia when Matt got drunk off his ass on St. Patricks Day and called me at 4AM to come get him. He crawled in my car, almost crying "Her name had to be Herron!" I had no idea who he was talking about, but he kept repeating this and trying to crawl out my car window. Got him home, into bed, and he slept. Next day, i tried asking him who this girl was that had him so upset, he said his friends and he were looking up friends from highschool. Now, he went to high school in Germany, so its pretty cool that he can still look them up. After a long discussion, it came out that Cynthia was his first love. Only now she was married. Now- Matt and i were not dating, as much as we just hung out ALOT. And i was crashing on his couch, and taking care of him and his roommates as much as they would let me. But it still hurt that whatever i did was not enough that he had to go looking for another girl. Especially since i had this guy on the line, but never said yes because i was hoping...

Over the next two weeks, all i heard was cynthia, cynthia, cynthia. She made him smile, so i liked her, while still being jealous. So i aquicised, and said yes to Mike. Good thing, cause beginning of April, Matt moved, and i moved in with mike. Yes, i know that sounds shallow, but Mike was pushing me to move in since we met, and i wasn't ready. Knowing Matt and i would only always be friends, i gave in.

Matt moved in with some friends, that didn't allow strangers to come over, so i rarely saw him. Mike and i flourished, but i still went running when he called, which pissed Mike off. Matt and i stayed in touch thru phone, text, facebook and twitter, of which he would post odd sayings that i didn't understand, about blue skies when it was raining outside. Then one day, i got a friend request from twitter- blueskies was following me. I clicked on the profile-- it was his Cynthia! i accepted, and watched her twitter for awhile. She seemed pretty cool, and i tried asking Matt about her. He didn't have nice things to say, other than she had changed from the girl he fell in love with so many years ago. A few weeks later, i see pictures on Matt's facebook- from an airplane! He had left, without so much as a good-bye! I cried about that for 2 days, until even Mike lost his patience and told me to stop crying and choose: Matt or Mike. Since Matt had left me, i tried to erase him from my mind, until he called the very next day, needing a ride from the airport. And? I went running. Mike came with because he knew i would end up spending money. I took us all 3 thru the drive-thru, dropped Matt off, and mike and i went home.

I was mad at him for not telling me he was leaving, and that i had to leave work early to pick him up, but he is so damn charming i forgave him. So when he asked if i would mind driving him to the airport, so he could fly to CALIFORNIA for a job (KEEP THIS IN MIND) I didn't mind. He had to be at the airport at 4 AM, so i was planning to go his house about 10ish, we could hang out and then go. He didn't know how long the job was going to last, so didn't know when i would see him again.

As i said, I went over the night before, and we went out to dinner, during which Cynthia called. He told her he was out to dinner with me, and seemed surprised that she didn't know who i was. He had previously scolded me for talking to her on Facebook, and i had tried to tell him that we only play games, not talk about anything personal. Although she did mention she wished she had met when she was up here, which led me to believe that the car i helped return to the airport was hers.

When i dropped him off, i asked him how long he would be in the air. He said quite a few hours, with 2 different lay-overs. Lay overs?? It's a direct flight from Washington to CALIFORNIA. (Keeping this still in mind? Good.) As i was driving home, my oil light came on in my car. I love my car- she tells me when she needs anything. So i called my bro and asked him to please change my oil the next day before i broke down. Having blown TWO engines (Yeah, i know) I wasn't taking any chances. Fast forward to next day, when i went to my brothers, i posted a message on facebook "I will miss my best friend" To which Cynthia replied "I will take good care of him." Wait, what??? She lives on the East coast, and as far as i could remember, California was still on the west coast. At the same time, my bro and his friend came in and said they were going to get their girlfriends, and at the same time, all the oil will leak out. Sounds like a plan, it was only 4pm; i had plenty of time to get to Matt. But i was still wondering what she had meant by she'll take care of him.

I asked the opinion of my mom, who had listened to me cry about missing him, who told me one of two things. Either she was meeting him in Cali, or he lies and was flying to the East coast. I realized why he had 2 lay-overs, and i was beyond hurt. I texted him i would not make it, and turned off my phone.

Next day, i turned it back on, and had voice mails and text messages telling me his job didnt start for 2 more weeks, and Cynthia wanted too see him and was willing to pay for the ticket, and he didn't tell me to spare my feelings. This was too too much, and i jumped on facebook and publicly told him to forget my name, forget my number and forget ever "paying me back. As of this writing... he has.