Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Oops. I actually forgot my sisters 17th birthday. Well, no, i didnt forget because its my my wall calander, my pocket calander and my freakin phone beeped it every hour on the hour. But i didn't have money to buy her a gift, and as much as i love her, an IOU or a cheap gift would not do it. I gave her a very expensive blanket for Xmas one year and she was a snob for a month until i bought an Xbox for her birthday that year. 6 weeks of a 13 year old snob? Hell no. Not doin it this year. So i'm staying at my friends, and she went with her friends to the movies. Everybody cool.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Okay, i had a bizarre new years. I wont go into details, it's ~Personal~ but it was fun. And bizarre. I had one wish, and i didnt tell ANYBODY, even the one that wish involved. And you know what?? I got my wish! How cool is that? He read my mind and at the stroke of midnight was right where i wanted him to be. No more explanations. Now i wait to do that again, but with 34% less. I'll let your imaginative minds figure that out. KThnxBye.
