Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Its pitch black. I can hear the ocean all around me. I can feel the cold steel of a metal railing under my hands. I sense a presence and i open my eyes. I can see you, off to my left- just out of arms reach. The ocean is liquid black glass, no moon for reflection. Off in the distance is something; small, white, and bobbing closer. I look at you, but you have moved. You are now about 5 feet away. I reach my hands out anyway... knowing i cannot reach you. I return my hand to the railing and check on the white speck. It has bobbed close enough that i can see it is a small boat. i look back at you- do you see the boat? But you have moved even further away. now over 10 feet away, i can barely make out the features of your face. You have become a shadow. Laughter brings my attention back to the boat, where i see 4 people standing on the end. They are laughing and pointing to something i cannot see, in the far off distance. One of the men slides his arms gently around the waist of the females and she leans a head on his shoulder. I crave that touch. Nothing sexual, purely human. I reach my hand out to you, again knowing its futile. My hand grabs at nothing and when i look you have moved even further into the shadows. I cant even make out your silhuette, and i realize. I am alone. I close my eyes, and everything goes black.